Ethiopia Spine Surgery Mission 2018 – Days 12-15
Sunday May 27
Day 12
Today we only had one case. She was a 21-year-old female who at pre-opt had a 110° x-ray, but during surgery she measured 124° scoliosis. She is doing great and she looks great.
Today is Dr. Belanger and my (Toni Belanger) 13 year wedding anniversary and we celebrated by having dinner just he and I at a restaurant called Gusto. The restaurant brought out this giant sparkler stuck to a glass plate that read happy anniversary and chocolate. Our driver brought me roses and several of the physicians and staff at the hospital gave us cards. When we returned back to our hotel room the staff had made towel swans and put rose petals all over our bed and filled the bathtub with water and rose petals. Everyone is so sweet!
Monday, May 28
Day 13
Today I scrubbed in with Dr. Belanger and we did a bandage change on our three-year-old burn victim again. She is looking very well and we removed her staples today.
Our next case was a 12-year-old female who had scoliosis and I also scrubbed with Dr. Belanger on this case.
Tuesday, May 29
Day 14
Today we had two cases. The first case was a 46-year-old male that we did a C4/5 and 5/6 ACDF and PSF.
Our next case was one of our patients that Dr. Onimus operated on Saturday, May 26, but she needed to have two more levels lower instrumented to help her not lean to the right. Today she is standing up straight and looks great! She is very happy.
Wednesday, May 30
Day 15
Today is our last day! We will be flying out tonight at midnight. Right now Dr. Belanger is in the operating room doing a scoliosis surgery on a 12-year-old female. While he was in surgery, I have rounded on all of our patients that are still in the hospital, changed their bandages, pulled their drains, pulled their catheters, and made sure everyone was up walking and doing great. Everyone wanted to take pictures with us today because they are so happy and thankful that we came and helped their people! This year we preformed 30 successful surgeries in Ethiopia! Thank you to everyone who has supported our mission!
We should be finishing in the operating room today around 3 PM and then we will go back to the hotel and pack up everything so we can go to the airport around 9 PM. Can I just say I am so ready to eat Mexican food?
I want to thank each and every person that volunteered to come on the trip with us it was a wonderful trip this year!
Thank you to all of our followers that like to read our blogs while we are here!
Until next year!