Meet Our Team

Isador Lieberman
Practicing Locations: Plano | Frisco
Specialty: Scoliosis and Spine Tumors, Spine Surgery
Fellowship Training: Spinal Surgery
- Certified – American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
- Fellow Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada
Dr. Isador Lieberman Quote:
“My goal is to treat every patient as if they are the only patient I have.”
Dr. Lieberman is a fellowship trained Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and holds specialist certification from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He completed medical school and residency at the University of Toronto and completed Spine surgery and Trauma surgery fellowships at the Toronto Hospital in Canada and at Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham, England.
Dr. Lieberman specializes in the surgical treatment of spinal disorders. His clinical interests include adolescent and adult scoliosis, deformity reconstruction, spinal tumors, minimally invasive/robotic/endoscopic spinal surgery, treatment of vertebral compression fractures, cervical and lumbar degenerative disorders and trauma. Dr. Lieberman established the Uganda Charitable Spine Surgery Mission which provides services to the less fortunate in Uganda who are afflicted with spinal ailments, including tuberculosis and scoliosis.
- 2002 Masters in Business Administration, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
- 1993 Clinical Fellow Spine Surgery, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom
- 1992 Clinical Fellow Spine and Trauma Surgery, The Toronto Hospital – Western Division, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1990-1992 Orthopedic Surgery Chief Resident, The Toronto Hospital – Western Division, St. Michael’s Hospital & The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1989-1990 Orthopedic Surgery Resident, Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1988-1989 Orthopedic Surgery Resident, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1987-1988 Orthopedic Surgery Research Resident, Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1986-1987 Comprehensive Surgery Internship, The Wellesley Hospital, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1986 M.D. The University of Toronto, The Faculty of Medicine, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1982 The University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario Canada
- 1979 The University of Western Ontario, London Ontario Canada
- D Magazine Best Doctor – 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023
- Texas Monthly Super Doctor: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation Innovations Award, 2009, P.K. Ranney Foundation New Product Award
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation Innovations Award, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009, multiple patents
- Listed “Best Doctors in America” Registry 2008, 2009
- Listed “America’s Top Surgeons” Registry 2008
- Arthur Bloomfield Award for Excellence in Medical Education. The American Academy of Continuing Medical Education. Middle East Spine Symposium. Arab Health Congress January 2006.
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation Innovations Recognition Award, 2005, Merlot OrthopediX Inc.
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation, World Class Service Award of Excellence, 2005
- Clinical Science Award for Best Poster, Spine Society of Europe Annual Meeting 2004. “Clinical Outcome of Vertebral Augmentation for Osteolytic Collapse”.
- Video Presentation Winner, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting 2004. “Translaminar Screw Fixation”.
- “Life Member” of the Nation Registry of Who’s Who, 2001
- Robin Sullivan Award for Best Research Paper, University of Toronto, Orthopaedic Research Day, 1988
- University of Toronto Intramural “T” Award, 1985
- Faculty of Medicine Athletic Achievement Award, 1985
- Faculty of Medicine Letter for Athletic Achievement, 1984
- Walter F. Watkins Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 1983
- Rhea V. Scott Scholarship for Academic Achievement, 1982
- Innis College Letter for Athletic Achievement, 1982
Publication, Books, & Presentations
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery: Surgical Techniques and Disease Management
Publisher: Springer Verlag, Editors: Phillips, Lieberman, Polly, 2014
Minimal Access Spine Surgery, Textbook of spinal surgery,
Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing, Editors; Regan & Lieberman, 2003
Advances in Osteoporotic Fracture Management,
Publisher; REMEDICA Publishers, Senior Editor; Lieberman, 2003 – 2007
The Spine Journal, Publisher: Elsevier, Editor; Branch, 2003 – 2009 Member associate editorial board
Spine, Publisher; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Editor; Weinstein, Member associate editorial board
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Editor; Zdeblick, Member editorial review board
European Spine Journal, Publisher: Springer, Editor; Aebi Member assistant editorial board
Journal of Spine Arthroplasty Society, Publisher: Elsevier, Editor; Yuan, Reviewer
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Publisher; JBJS Inc, Editor; Heckman Reviewer, Editor; Eidelson, Member editorial board
PA-Principal Author; SRI-Senior Responsible Investigator; CPA-Co-Principal Author; C-Collaborator
Peer Reviewed – Journal Publications
- Grynpas MD, Lieberman IH, et al: Subchondral bone in osteoarthritis. Calcified Tissue International, 49: pp20-26, 1991. C
- Ogilvie-Harris DJ, Lieberman IH: Arthroscopically assisted arthrodesis for osteoarthritic ankles. Journal ofBone and Joint Surgery, 75A: pp 1167-1174, 1993. C
- Lieberman IH, Hastings D, Bogoch ER: Heterotopic ossification after primary cemented and cementless total hip arthroplasty involving patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 37(2), 1994. PA
- Lieberman IH, Webb JK: Cervical spine injuries in the elderly: The last ten years in Nottingham. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 76B: pp 877-881. 1994. PA
- Webb JK, Burwell RG, Cole AA, Lieberman IH: Posterior instrumentation in scoliosis. European Spine Journal, Vol 4, No 1, pp 2-5, 1995. CPA
- Catre M, Lieberman IH: Laterally based skin flap for below knee amputation. Journal of Trauma, Vol 43, No 5, pp 869-871, 1997. SRI
- Lieberman IH, Khazim R, Woodside T: Anterior vertebral body screw pull out testing: A comparison of Zielke, Kaneda, Universal spine system, and Universal spine system with pull out resistant nut. Spine, Vol 23, No 8, pp 908-910, April 1998. PA
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT: Thoracoscopic Techniques for Deformity Surgery.
In: Seminars in Spine Surgery, Editor: Hu, Publisher: W.B.Saunders, Dec. 1998. PA - Lieberman IH, Webb JK: Occipito-cervical fusion using posterior titanium plates. European Spine Journal, Vol 7, No 4, pp 308-312, 1998. PA
- Lieberman IH, Willshir PC, Salo PT, Litwin DEM, Kraetschmer BG: Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Exposure for Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Spine. Spine, Vol 25, No 4, pp 509-514, 2000. PA
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT, Orr RD, Kraetschmer BG: Prone position endoscopic transthoracic release with simultaneous posterior instrumentation for spinal deformity; A Description of the Technique. Spine, Vol 25, No 17, pp 2251-2257, 2000. PA
- McLain RF, Lieberman IH: Current Controversies, “Endoscopic approaches to metastatic thoracic disease”. Spine, Vol 25, No 14, pp 1855-1858, 2000. CPA
- Heniford T, Mathews BD, Lieberman IH: Laparoscopic Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Surgical Clinics of North America, Vol 80, No 5, pp 1487-1500, 2000. CPA
- Gill I, Meraney AM, Thomas JC, Sung GT, Novick AC, Lieberman IH: Thoracoscopic transdiaphragmatic adrenalectomy: The initial experience. .J Urol, 165;1875-1881, Jun 2001. C
- Lieberman IH, Dudeney S, Reinhardt M-K, Bell G: Initial Outcome and Efficacy of Kyphoplasty in the Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures. Spine, Vol 26, No 14, pp 1631-1637, 2001. PA
- Lieberman IH, Kuzhupilly RR, Reinhardt M-K, Davros WJ: 3-D CT volume rendering techniques in endoscopic thoracoplasty. The Spine Journal, Vol 1, No 6, pp 390-394, Nov/Dec 2001. PA
- Phillips F, Ronjon P, Lieberman IH: Kyphoplasty for the treatment of osteoporotic and osteolytic vertebral compression fractures. Adv Osteo Fracture Management, Vol 1, No 1, pp 7-11, 2001. CPA
- Brody F, Rosen M, Tarnoff M, Lieberman IH: Laparoscopic lateral L4/L5 disc exposure. Surg Endosc, 16;650-653, 2002. C
- Dudeney S, Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK, Hussein M: Kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteolytic vertebral compression fractures as a result of multiple myeloma. J Clin Oncol. 20:9, 2382-2387, May 2002. CPA
- Kuzhupilly R, Lieberman IH, McLain R, Valdevit A, Kambic H, Richmond BJ: In vitro stability of FRA spacers with integrated crossed screws for anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Spine, Vol 27, No 9, 923-928, 2002. CPA
- Hussein MA, Juturi JV, Lieberman IH: Multiple Myeloma: present and future. Curr Opin Oncol, 14(1):31-35, Jan 2002. C
- Phillips F, Wetzel T, Lieberman IH, Campbell-Hupp M: An in vitro comparison of the potential for extra- vertebral cement leak after vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. Spine, Vol 27, No 19, 2173-2179, 2002.C
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Lieberman IH, Lowery G, Takikawa S: Histology of Tissues Within Retrieved Human Titanium Mesh Cages. Spine, Vol 28, No 3, 246-254, 2003. C
- Lieberman IH, Reinhardt, MK: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for Osteolytic Collapse. Clin Orthop. (415 Suppl), S176-86, Oct, 2003. PA
- Coumans JV, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH: Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures with Kyphoplasty: one year clinical outcomes from a prospective study. J of NeuroSurg, (Spine 1), 99:44-50, 2003. CPA
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Lieberman IH, Takikawa S: Histologic Evaluation of Human Vertebral Bodies After Vertebral Augmentation with Polymethylmethacrylate. Spine, Vol 28, No 14, 1521-1527, 2003. CPA
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Lieberman IH, Sakai H: Lumbar Intervertebral Body Fusion Cages: Histological Evaluation of clinically failed cages retrieved from Humans. J Bone Joint Surg, 86A: 70-79, 2004. CPA
- Kayanja MM, Ferrara LA, Lieberman IH: Distribution of Anterior Cortical Shear Strain After a Thoracic Wedge Compression Fracture. The Spine Journal, Vol 4, Issue 1, pp 76-87, 2004. CPA
- Harrop EJ, Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK: Primary and Secondary Osteoporosis; Incidence of Subsequent Vertebral Compression Fractures after Kyphoplasty. Spine, Vol 29, No 19, pp 2120-2125, 2004. CPA
- Lieberman IH: Disc Bulge Bubble; Spine Economics 101. The Spine Journal, 4(2004) 609-613, 2004. PA
- Lieberman IH, Phillips F, Togawa D, Modic M, Masaryk T, Obuchowski N, Slipman CW: Vertebral Augmentation and the Limits of Interpreting Complications Reported in the Food and Drug Administration Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience Database. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2004; 15: 1193-1196. PA
- DalCanto RA, Lieberman IH, Inceoglu S, Kayanja MM, Ferrara LA: Biomechanical comparison of transarticular facet screws to lateral mass plates in two level instrumentations of the cervical spine. Spine, Vol 30, No 8, 897-902, 2005. CPA
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH: Histological Evaluation of Biopsies Obtained From Vertebral Compression Fractures – Unsuspected Myeloma /Osteomalacia. Spine, V30, N 7, p781-6, 2005. CPA
- Keller TS, Kosmospoulos V, Lieberman IH: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty affect vertebral motion segment stiffness and stress distribution: A microstructural finite element study. Spine,Vol30, No 11,11258-1265,2005.C
- Kayanja MM, Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Biomechanical changes following the augmentation of experimental osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in the cadaveric thoracic spine. The Spine Journal, Vol 5;55-63, 2005. CPA
- Lieberman IH, Talmadge K: Kyphoplasty for Women with Compression Fractures. Clin Rev Bone Min Met, Vol 3, No 2, 2005. PA
- Kobayashi N, Bauer TW, Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Sakai H, Fujishiro T, Tuohy MJ, Procop GW:
A Molecular Gram Stain using Broad Range PCR and Pyrosequencing Technology. Diag Mol Pathol, Jun; 14(2):83-89, 2005. C - Lieberman IH, Kayanja MM, Togawa D: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty – Filler Materials. The Spine Journal, Vol 5, No 6S, pp 305S-316S Nov/Dec 2005. PA
- Khanna AJ, Neubauer P, Togawa D, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH: Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty for the Treatment of Spinal Metastases. Supportive Cancer Therapy. Support Cancer Ther 3(1):21-25, 2005. SRI
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK: Kyphoplasty in the United States – clinical results in the Cleveland Clinic – . Rinsho Seikei Geka (Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery) 2005; 40(9): 1004-1013. (Japan). CPA
- Kayanja M, Evans K, Milks R, Lieberman IH. The mechanics of polymethylmethacrylate augmentation. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Feb;443:124-30. SRI
- Kayanja MM, Schlenk R, Togawa D, Ferrara L, Lieberman IH: Biomechanics of single, double and triple augmentation patterns in the cadaveric thoraco-lumbar spine. Spine. 2006 Apr 1;31(7):769-74. SRI
- Lewandrowski KU, McLain RF, Lieberman I, Orr D: Cord and cauda equina injury complicating elective orthopedic surgery. Spine. 2006 Apr 20;31(9):1056-9. CPA
- Togawa D, Kovacic J, Reinhardt MK, Bauer T, Brodke D, Lieberman IH: Radiographic and Histologic Findings of vertebral augmentation using Polymethylmethacrylate in the Primate Spine – Percutaneous Vertebroplasty versus Kyphoplasty. Spine, Vol 31, No 1, pp E1-E3, 2006. SRI
45. Togawa D, Kayanja MM, Lieberman IH: Percutaneous vertebral augmentation for osteoporotic and osteolytic compression fractures. Int J Spine Surg. 2006, SRI
- Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK, Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Functional outcomes of kyphoplasty for the treatment of osteoporotic and osteolytic vertebral compression fractures. Osteop Int. Jun;17(6):817-26. 2006. SRI
- Kobayashi N, Bauer TW, Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Sakai H, Fujishiro T, Procop GW: The use of newly real- time PCR for the rapid identification of bacteria in culture-negative osteomyelitis. Joint Bone Spine.73, 745-47, 2006. C
48. Berglund RK, Lyden SP, Tsai EC, Lieberman I, Klein EA. Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor after Chemotherapy with Residual Mass Invading the Spine. Eur Urol. Eur Urol. 2006 Aug;50(2):372-4. C
49. Berglund RK, Lyden SP, Tsai EC, Lieberman I, Klein EA. Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor after chemotherapy with residual mass invading the spine: part 2. Eur Urol. 2006 Sep;50(3):607-8. C
- Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Kayanja MM, Reinhardt MK, Friedlander A, Knoller N, Benzel E: Bone MountedMiniature Robotic Guidance For Pedicle Screw and Translaminar Facet Screw Placement; Part I – Technical Development and a Test Case Result. NeuroSurg. Vol 59, No 3, pg 641-650, Sept 2006. PA
- Kayanja M, Evans K, Milks R, Lieberman IH: Adjacent level load transfer following vertebral augmentation in the cadaveric spine. Spine. Vol 31, No 21, E790-797, 2006. SRI
- Kobayashi N, Bauer TW, Tuohy MJ, Lieberman IH, Krebs V, Togawa D, Fujishiro T, Procop GW: The Comparison of Pyrosequencing Molecular Gram Stain, Culture and Conventional Gram Stain for Diagnosing Orthopaedic Infections. J Orthop Res 24:1641-1649, 2006. C
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Kayanja MM, Reinhardt MK, Friedlander A, Knoller N, Shoham M, Balter A, Benzel E: Bone-Mounted Miniature Robotic Guidance For Pedicle Screw and Translaminar Facet Screw Placement; Part II – Evaluation of System’s Accuracy. Neurosurgery. 60(2) Operative Neurosurgery Supplement 1:129-139, February 2007. CPA
- Jones A, Butler J, Lieberman IH, Schlenk R: Negative-pressure wound therapy in the treatment of postoperative spinal wound infections: Beware of complications associated with the Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) system. J Neurosurg Spine 6:407–411, 2007. C
- Shoham, M., Lieberman, I. H., Benzel, E. C., Togawa, D., Zehavi, E., Zilberstein, B., Roffman, M., Bruskin, A., Fridlander, A., Joskowicz, L., Brink-Danan, S. and Knoller, N. , ‘Robotic assisted spinal surgery-fromconcept to clinical practice’, Computer Aided Surgery, 12:2, 105 – 115, 2007, CPA
56. Mroz T, Yamashita T, Davros W, Lieberman IH: Radiation exposure to the surgeon and the patient during
kyphoplasty. JSDT. Vol.21, No.2, April, 2008. SRI
57. Jones A, Kayanja M, Milks R, Lieberman IH: Biomechanical characteristics of hybrid hook-screw constructs
in short-segment thoracic fixation. Spine, Vol 33, No 2, pp 173–177, 2008. SRI
58. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Polymethylmethacrylate augmentation of peri-acetabular osteolytic lesions.
Current Orthopaedic Practice, Vol 19, No 5, Sept/Oct 2008. CPA
59. Mroz TE, Joyce MJ, Steinmetz MP, Lieberman IH, Roberts M, Wang JC: Musculoskeletal Allograft Risks and
Recalls in the United States. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, 2008; 16:559-565. C
60. DalCanto R, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH: Multiple cement application cavity containment kyphoplasty:
technique description and efficacy. Am J Ortho, Vol 38, No 7, pp 110-114, 2009, CPA
61. Mroz TE, Joyce MJ, Steinmetz MP, Lieberman IH, Benzel E, Wang JC: The use of allograft bone in spine
surgery; is it safe? Spine J. 2009; 9(4): 303-8, C
62. Silverstein M, Mac Millan M, Lieberman IH: Kyphoplasty: Traditional imaging compared with computer-
guided intervention – time to re-think technique? Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal, 1(1): 47-50, 2010, C
63. Lieberman IH, Chiasson D, Podichetty V. Aortic disruption associated with L2-3 fracture dislocation in a case
of child abuse. JBJS, 2010;92:1670-4, PA
- Bae H, Shen M, Maurer P, Peppelman W, Beutler W, Linovitz R, Westerlund E, Peppers T, Lieberman I, Kim C, Girardi F. Clinical experience using Cortoss for treating vertebral compression fractures with vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty: twenty four-month follow-up. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Sep 15;35(20):E1030-6. C
- Mariscalco M.Yamashita T, Steinmetz M, Krishnaney A, Lieberman IH, Mroz T: Radiation Exposure to the Surgeon During Open Lumbar Microdiscectomy and Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy: A Prospective Controlled Trial. Spine, Vol 36, No 3, pp255-260, Feb 2011 C
66. Benzel, EC, Lieberman, IH, Ross, RE, Linovitz, RJ, Kuras, J, Zimmers, K.Mechanical Characterization of a Viscoelastic Disc for Lumbar Total Disc Replacement. Journal of Med Devices, Vol. 5, March 2011, CPA
67. Yamashita T, Siemionow K, Mroz TE, Podichetty, V, Lieberman IH: A Prospective Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Patients with Spinal Metastases – Use of the Revised Tokuhashi Score. Spine, Vol 36, No 11, pp 910-917, May 2011, SRI
68. St Clair S, Tan JS, Lieberman IH. Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fixation (OLIF): A Biomechanical Study in Human Spines. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Tech, Volume 25, Issue 4 pp 183-189, June 2011, SRI
69. Mroz TE, Abdullah K, Steinmetz MP, Wang J, Klineberg E, Lieberman IH: Radiation exposure to the surgeon during percutaneous pedicle screw placement. JSDT, Vol 24, No 4, pp264-267, June 2011. C
70. Yamashita T, Mroz TE, Steinmetz M, Modic M, Lieberman IH: The Utility of Repeated Post-operative Radiographs Following Lumbar Instrumented Fusion. Spine, Vol 36, No 23, pp 1955-1960, Nov 2011. C
71. Podichetty, VK, Varley, ES, Lieberman IH: Calcitonin treatment in lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine, Vol 36, No 5, pp1-8,2011,SRI
- St Clair S, Silverstein M, Lieberman IH. Thoracic Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy in a Pediatric Patient; A Case report. Evidence Based Spine Care Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2 2012, CPA
- Klineberg E, Kayanja M, Pateder D, Lieberman IH. Comparative Modes of Failure: Trans-Sacral Rod Vs. Pedicle Screw for L5/S1 Fusion – A Biomechanical Analysis. Journal of Spine, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2012
- Siemionow K, Lieberman IH, Cywinski J., Kusza K.:. Intraoperative fluid therapy and pulmonary complications: A review of 1307 spinal procedures. Orthopedics Vol 35, Issue 2, pp 184-191, February 2012, CPA
- Siemionow K, Lieberman, IH, Hu X: The Fernstrom Ball Revisited. European Spine Journal: Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 443-448, March 2012, PA
- Silverstein MP, Lieberman IH, St. Clair S, Kayanja M, Bancroft, LW: Radiologic Case Study: Pott’s Disease. Orthopedics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp 334-347, April 2012, SRI
- Lieberman IH, Hardenbrook MA, Wang JC, Guyer R: Assessment of Pedicle Screw Placement Accuracy, Procedure Time, and Radiation Exposure Using a Miniature Robotic Guidance System. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Vol. 25, No 5, pp 241-248, July 2012, PA
- St Clair S, Silverstein M, Lieberman IH. T8 spinal cord transection in a six year old boy. Evidence Based Spine Care Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 57-61, August 2012, CPA
- Hu X, Ohnmeiss DD, Lieberman IH. Robotic-assisted Pedicle Screw Placement: Lessons learned from the First 102 Patients. European Spine Journal: Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 661-666, March 2013, CPA
80. Hu X, Ohnmeiss DD, Lieberman IH. Use of an Ultrasonic Osteotome Device in Spine Surgery: Experience from the First 128 Patients. European Spine Journal, April 2013, CPA
81. Shedid D, Weil A, Lieberman IH. A Novel Minimally Invasive Technique for the Treatment of High-Grade Isthmic Spondylolisthesis Using a Posterior Transsacral Rod. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques, Volume 27, Issue 2, April 2014, DOI: 10.1097/BSD.0b013e31829649fa, CPA
82. Klineberg E, Bui T, Schlenk R, Lieberman IH. Case Report: Retro-Odontioid Calcium Pyrophosphate Dehydrate (CPPD) Deposition: Surgical Management and Review of the Literature. Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 63-69, 2014, SRI
- Hu X, Lieberman IH. What is the Learning Curve for Robotic-Assisted Pedicle Screw Placement in Spine Surgery? Clinic Orthopaedics and Related Research Volume 472, Issue 6, pp 1839-1944, 2014 CPA
- Aghyarian S, Rodriguez L, Chari J, Bentley E, Kosmopoulos V, Lieberman IH, Rodrigues D. Characterization of a New Composite PMMA-HA/Brushite Bone Cement for Spinal Augmentation. Journal of Biomaterials Applications: Volume29, No. 5, pp 688-698, November 2014, C
- Silverstein M, Thompson N, Griffith S, Benzel E, Lieberman IH, Romrell L, Lumbar Dorsal Root Ganglia Location: An Anatomic and MRI Assessment.. International Journal of Spine Surgery. Published online February 2015, SRI
- Hu X, Lieberman IH. Proximal Instrumented Vertebral Body Chance Fracture After Pedicle Screw Instrumentation in a Thoracic Kyphosis Patient with Osteoporosis. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Vol 28, Number 1, February 2015, SRI
- Lavelle W, Mroz T, Lieberman IH. The Incidence of Lumbar Discectomy After Epidural Steroid Injections or Selective Nerve Root Blocks. International Journal of Spine Surgery. In Review February 2015, C
- Clement RC, Welander A, Lieberman IH, Fritzell P., A Proposed Set of Metrics for Standardized Outcome Reporting in the Management of Low Back Pain. Epub ahead of print Acta Orthopaedica, May 2015, C
- Aghyarian S, Hu X, Lieberman IH, Kosmopoulos V, Kim H, Rodrigues D. Two Novel High Performing Composite PMMA-CaP Cements for Vertebroplasty: An Ex Vivo Animal Study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior Materials. Accepted for Publication, June 2015, C
- Xiao R, Miller JA, Marqetis K, Lubelski D, Lieberman IH, Benzel EC, Mroz, TE., Radiographic Progression of Vertebral Fractures in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Spine Journal, October 2015. C
- Miller JA, Bowen A, Morisada MV, Margetis K, Lubelski D, Lieberman IH, Benzel EC, Mroz TE. Radiologic And Clinical Characteristics of Vertebral Fractures in Multiple Myeloma. Spine Journal, October 2015. C
- Orndoff D, Devin C, Lieberman IH, Intrawound Vancomycin Decreases the Risk of SSI after Posterior Spine Surgery-A Multicenter Analysis. Spine Journal. Accepted for Publication, November 2015. C
- Hu X, Ohnmeiss D, Zigler J, Guyer R, Lieberman IH, Restoration of Cervical Alignment is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcome after One and Two Level Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. International Journal of Spine Surgery, November 2015. PA
- Xiao R, Mroz T, Benzel E, Lieberman IH. Predicting the Progression of Vertebral Fractures in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. The Spine Journal, Accepted for Publication, December 2015. C
- Haddas R, Yang J, Lieberman IH. Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization on Lifting Task in Recurrent Low Back Pain Population. European Spine Journal, Epub ahead of print, May 2016. SRI
- Xu M, Yang J, Lieberman IH, Haddas R. Lumbar Spine Finite Element Model for Healthy Subjects: Development and Validation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Published Online June 2016. SRI
- Hu X, Lieberman IH. Robotic-guided Sacro-Pelvic Fixation Using S2 Alar-Iliac Screws: Feasibility and Accuracy. European Spine Journal. Epub ahead of print, June 2016. C
- Aghyarian S, Hu X, Haddas R, Lieberman IH, Kosmopoulos V, Kim H, Rodrigues D. Biomechanical Behavior of Novel Composite PMMA-CaP Bone Cement in an Anatomically Accurate Cadaveric Vertebroplasty Model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Accepted for Publication, November 2016. PA
Books/Chapters in Books/Review Articles/Proceedings/Letters/Commentaries
1. Lieberman IH: The Effects of Leg Only Cold Water Immersion on Maximal Voluntary Leg Extensor
Isometric Strength. U of T Dept. of Physiology, 1982. PA
2. Lieberman IH: The Intertransverse Ligament of the Lumbar Spine: A Discrete Entity of the Product of
Merging Fascia? U of T Dept. of Anatomy, 1982. PA
3. Lieberman IH: Facial surgery and Down’s syndrome: The issues. In: Disadvantaged Patients and Their
Families (Chalin CG, ed). U of T Faculty of Medicine, 1984. PA
4. Lieberman IH, Salo PT: Revision of Previously Operated Progressive Thoracic Kyphotic Deformities Using a Simultaneous Anterior Endoscopic and Posterior Open Technique. In: Revisions in Spine Surgery,
Editors: Margulies, Aebi, Farcy, Publisher: Mosby, 1998. PA
5. Mclain R, Lieberman IH: Surgical treatment of Adult Scoliosis. In: Operative Orthopaedics, Editors: Chapman, McLain, et al, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Chap 159. 4101-4114, 2000. CPA
6. Lieberman IH: Thoracoplasty. In: Tricks of the Trade in Spine Surgery, Editors: Albert, Vaccaro, Publisher: Thieme New York, 2000. PA
7. Dudeney S, Lieberman IH: Commentary on “Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: an open prospective study”. Journal of Rheumatology, Vol 27(10), p 2526, 2000. CPA
8. Lieberman IH: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update (OKU) Spine 2, Editors: Fardon, Publisher: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2001. PA
9. Lieberman IH: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. In: Vertebral osteoporotic Compression Fractures. Editors: Szpalski, Gunzburg, Publisher: Lippincott Williams Wilkens. 2003. PA
10. Lieberman IH: The clinical results of kyphoplasty in the treatment of Osteoporotic and Osteolytic vertebral compression fractures. In: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty, Editors: Resnick, Barr, Garfin, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers & American Association of Neurological Surgeons. 2003. PA
11. Harrop EJ, Lieberman IH: Remote and Adjacent fractures after Kyphoplasty. In: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty, Editors: Resnick, Barr, Garfin, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers & American Association of Neurological Surgeons. 2003. CPA
12. Coumans JV, Khanna AJ, Lieberman IH: Minimally invasive approaches to spinal metastases: endoscopic surgery and vertebral augmentation. In: Cancer in the Spine: Comprehensive Care, McLain RF, Markman M, Bukowski RM, Macklis R, Benzel EC, eds, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, 2006, p 285-294.CPA
13. Lieberman IH: Vertebral augmentation for osteoporotic and osteolytic vertebral compression fractures; vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. In: Progress in Neurological Surgery; Advances in spinal stabilization. Editors: Haid, Subach & Rodts. Publisher: Karger Publishing. 2002. PA
14. Lieberman IH: Kyphoplasty, its indications and techniques. In: Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 52. Editor: Ferlic, Publisher: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2003. PA
15. Leon S, Lieberman IH: Cervical Spine Outcome Tools. In: The Cervical Spine 4th Edition. Editors: Clark, Benzel. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2002. CPA
16. Moore T, Lieberman IH: Laparoscopic Lumbar Fusions. In: Advanced Spinal Surgery Technologies. Editors: Connolly, Yuan & Corbin. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2002. CPA
17. Fleming JE, Muschler GF, Boehm C, Lieberman IH, McLain RF: Intraoperative Harvest and Concentration of Human Bone Marrow Osteoprogenitors for Enhancement of Spinal Fusion. In: Tissue Engineering, Editors: Caplan AI, Goldberg VM, 2003. C
18. Lieberman IH. Letter to Editor, Spine, Re; Verlan JJ, Van Helden WH, et al. Balloon vertebroplasty with calcium phosphate cement for direct restoration of traumatic thoraco-lumbar vertebral fractures. Spine 2002;27:543- 548. Spine Vol 27, No 20, pp2300, 2002. PA
19. Lieberman IH. Commentary , Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques, Re; Treatment of Lower Lumbar Radiculopathy Caused by Osteoporotic Compression Fracture: The Role of Vertebroplasty. Jour Spine Dis & Tech, Vol 15, No 6, pp 461-468, 2002. PA
20. Lieberman IH: Prone Position Endoscopic Approach for Deformity Surgery. In: Minimal Access Spine Surgery. Editors: Regan & Lieberman. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2003. PA
21. Brody F, Lieberman IH: Laparoscopic L4L5 Disc Exposure. In: Minimal Access Spine Surgery. Editors: Regan & Lieberman. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2003. CPA
22. An HS, Andersson G, Lieberman I, Riew D, Transfeldt E. Minimally invasive surgery for lumbar degenerative disorders. Part I. Indications and patient selection; surgical procedures for herniated discs. Am J Orthop. 2000 Nov;29(11):856-62. C
23. An HS, Andersson G, Lieberman I, Riew D, Transfeldt E. Minimally invasive surgery for lumbar degenerative disorders: Part II. Degenerative disc disease and lumbar stenosis. Am J Orthop. 2000 Dec;29(12):937-42. C
24. Lieberman IH, Lozado L, Mack M, Aronoff R: Anaesthetic Issues for Minimal Access Spinal surgery. In: Minimal Access Spine Surgery. Eds: Regan & Lieberman. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2003. CPA
25. Lieberman IH: Decision Making in the Treatment of Adult Scoliosis. In: Minimal Access Spine Surgery. Editors: Regan & Lieberman. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2003. PA
26. Lieberman IH, Reilly M: Minimally Invasive Vertebral Body Augmentation and Reconstruction for Osteoporotic and Osteolytic Wedge Compression Fractures. In: Minimal Access Spine Surgery. Editors: Regan & Lieberman. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2003. CPA
27. Truumees E, Lieberman IH, Fessler R, Regan J: Minimally invasive spinal decompression and stabilization techniques: The Thoracic Spine. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. CPA
28. Benzel E, Lieberman IH, Ferrara L: Bone void fillers: Bone and Bone Substitutes. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004.C
29. Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. CPA
30. Ohaegbulam C, Trost G, Lieberman IH, Eichler M: Education and Knowledge-Base Acquisition and Retention In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel.
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. C
31. Togawa D, Bauer T, Eckhardt J, Ferarra L, Lieberman IH, Benzel E: Osteointegration. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. C
32. Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Management of symptomatic vertebral compression fractures with Kyphoplasty: Technique & Pitfalls. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. CPA
33. Prpa B, Whitfield M, Lieberman IH: Interbody Cages. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. CPA
34. Prpa B, Bridwell K, Lieberman IH: Treatment of Scheurmann’s Kyphosis. In: Spine Surgery II: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2004. CPA
35. Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Thoracic Kyphoplasty: Pain, Biomechanics and Technique. In: Non-Fusion Techniques for the Spine: Motion Preservation and Balance. Editor: Maxwell. Publisher: Quality Medical Publishing. 2006. CPA
36. Lieberman IH: Combined Prone Position Thoracoscopic Anterior Release and Posterior Instrumentation for Deformity Surgery. In: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Editor: Kim. 2004. PA
37. Phillips FM, Lieberman IH, Hurford RK, Lenke LG, Orr RD, Riew KD, Won DS: Selective Exposures in Orthopaedic Surgery, The Spine. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2004. C
38. Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. In: Decision Making in Spinal Care. Chapter 56: Editors: Vaccaro and Anderson., Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers Inc., in press, 2005. CPA
39. Lieberman IH, Togawa D. Vertebral augmentation for osteoporotic compression fractures. In: Atlas of arthroscopic and endoscopic spinal surgery. Chapter 11: Editor: Kambin, Publisher: The Humana Press, Inc., 2004. PA
40. Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Kyphoplasty: indications, contra-indications, and evidenced based outcomes. In: Interventional spine; an algorithmic approach. Chapter 45 Editors: Slipman, Derby, Simeone, and Mayer. Publisher: Elsevier, Ltd., in press, 2007. CPA
41. Mekhail A, Lieberman IH. Thoracoscopic surgery: Clinical Applications. In: Rothman & Simeone, the Spine 5th edition. Chapter 66: Editors: Herkowitz et al. Publisher Elsevier Inc, 2005. CPA
42. Lieberman IH, Goins M, An H, Phillips F. Summary Statement: kyphoplasty and nucleus pulposus prosthesis. The Spine Journal, Vol 5, No 6S, pp 305S-316S Nov/Dec 2005.
43. Togawa D, Schlenk R, Lieberman IH. Cement emboli in vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005 Jul;185(1):277
44. Pateder D, Lieberman IH, Khanna AJ. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for the management of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Orth Clin N Am, Vol 38, Issue 3, pg 409-418, July, 2007
45. Diulus CA, Shedid D, Lieberman IH. Osteotomies for Correction of Pediatric Spine Deformities. In: Surgery of the Pediatric Spine. Editors: Kim, Betz, Huhn, Newton. Thieme Medical Publishers. 2007
46. Pateder DB, Brems J, Lieberman I, Bell GR, McLain RF. Masquerade: nonspinal musculoskeletal disorders that mimic spinal conditions. Cleve Clin J Med. 2008 Jan;75(1):50-6. C
47. Shedid D, Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Kyphoplasty; vertebral augmentation for compression fractures. Clin Geriatr Med. 22(3):535-544, Aug 2006
48. Shedid D, Lieberman IH. Kyphoplasty; In: Spine Surgery, Operative Techniques. Editors: Vaccaro, Baron. Saunders Elsevier Publishers. 2007. CPA
49. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH, Vertebral augmentation in osteoporosis and bone metastasis. Current Opinion Support and Palliative Care. 1(4):323-7. Dec 2007. CPA
50. Diulis C, Lieberman IH: Thoracoplasty. In: Tricks of the Trade in Spine Surgery, 2nd , edition Editors: Albert, Vaccaro, Publisher: Thieme New York, 2007. CPA
51. Lieberman I. Osteoporosis: a bare bones look. Provider. 2007 Sep;33(9):51-2, 54, 56. PA
52. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Surgical approaches to metastatic spine disease. In; Current Opinion in
supportive and Palliative Care. 2(3):192-196. Sept 2008. CPA
53. Lieberman IH: Commentary on; Surgery reduced pain and disability in lumbar spinal stenosis better than
nonoperative treatment. Malmivara et al. JBJS vol 89-A, No 8, Aug 2007, pg 1872. PA
54. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Vertebral Augmentation, The Literature in Support of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. In: Evidenced based Orthopaedics. Editors: Wright, Ahn. Publisher: Elsevier, Philadelphia, In print, 2008. CPA
55. Lieberman I. Osteoporosis: a bare bones look. Provider. 2007 Sep;33(9):51-2, 54, 56. PA
56. St Clair S, Lieberman IH: Fusion, anterior approach. In: Lumbar intervertebral disc. Editors; Phillips,
Lauryssen. Publisher: Thieme Medical. In print, 2009. CPA
57. Lieberman IH: Osteoporosis. In “Interactive Education Program for Spine Fellows”. Editors; Garfin, Phillips,
Publisher, Magnifi Group. 2008. PA
- Lieberman I, Herndon J, Hahn J, Fins JJ, Rezai A. Surgical innovation andethical dilemmas: a panel discussion. Cleve Clin J Med. 2008 Nov;75 Suppl 6:S13-21. C
- Lieberman IH: Translaminar and Direct facet screw fixation in the lumbar spine. In “Advanced
Reconstruction; Spine”. Editor; Wang. Publisher; AAOS. 2009. PA
60. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Vertebral Augmentation in Osteoporotic and Osteolytic Fractures. In; Current
Opinion in supportive and Palliative Care. Vol 3, No 3, Pg 219-225, Sept 2009. CPA
61. St Clair S, Lieberman IH: Use of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy for the Treatment of Thoracic Degenerative Disorders. In; Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Spine. Editors; Ludwig, Poelstra, Publisher: Elservier. In print, 2009. CPA
62. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Cervical Spine Outcome Tools. In: The Cervical Spine 5th Edition. Editors: Clark, Benzel. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011. CPA
63. Wong W, Beall D, Lieberman IH: Percutaneous Augmentation Via Void Creation: Evidence-Based Review of Efficacy and Safety of Kyphoplasty and Emerging Technologies for Augmentation of Vertebral Compression Fractures Utilizing Void Creation. In: Interventional Spine care. Editor: DePalma. Publisher: Demos Medical. 2009. CPA
64. Shedid D, Lieberman IH: Treatment of Scheurmann’s Kyphosis. In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
65. Siemionow K, Ross R, Benzel E, Lieberman IH: Second Generation Total Disc replacement. In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
66. Morisue H, Ferrara L, Benzel E, Lieberman IH: Bone void fillers and substitutes. In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
67. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH: Trans sacral (Axialif) fixation techniques. In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
68. Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Management of symptomatic vertebral compression fractures with Kyphoplasty: In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
69. Togawa D, Lieberman IH: Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: In: Spine Surgery III: Techniques Complications Avoidance and Management. Editor: Benzel. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing. 2010. CPA
70. Lieberman IH. Commentary Point of View on “neck pain assessment in a virtual environment”. Spine Vol 35, No 4, 2010. PA
71. Pope K, Wong R, Lieberman IH. Complications of Bone Metastases; long bone fractures, spinal cord compression, vertebral augmentation. In Supportive Oncology, 1st edition. Editors; Davis, Feyer, Ortner, Zimmerman. Publisher; Elsevier. 2010. CPA
72. Werner B, Shen F, Lieberman IH. Approaches to the posterior cervical spine. In The Cervical Spine. Editors; Shen, Samartzis, Fessler. Publisher; Elsevier. 2011. SRA
73. Thontrangan I, Lieberman IH. Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty. In Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery. Editors; Baron, Vaccaro. Publisher; Elsevier. 2011. SRA
74. Gebuaer, G., Anderson, D.G., Lieberman IH. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. In: Decision Making in Spinal Care, Second Edition. Chapter 54: Editors: Vaccaro and Anderson., Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers Inc., 2012. CPA
75. Ughwanogho E, Hu X, Lieberman IH. Osteoporosis and Vertebral Compression Fracture. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: 11. Section 5-56. Editor: Cannada. Publisher: AAOS. In Press 2014. CPA
76. Hu X, Bonsignore C, Lieberman IH. Role of Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery. Spine Surgery: Current Concepts and Evidence. Editors: Mroz, Wang. Publisher: McGraw-Hill. 2014 Under Revision. CPA
77. Hu X, Lieberman IH. Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery. Book: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery: Surgical Techniques and Disease Management. Editors: Phillips, Polly, Lieberman. Publisher: Springer Verlag. In Press 2014. CPA
78. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Minimally Invasive Translaminar Facet Screw Fixation. Book: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery: Surgical Techniques and Disease Management. Editors: Phillips, Polly, Lieberman. Publisher: Springer Verlag. In Press 2014. CPA
- Lieberman IH, Bogoch ER, Grynpas MD: Morphology and mineralization of bone in the femoral heads of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Ottawa, Ontario. Proceedings of the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, 1988. PA
- Lieberman IH, Hastings D, Bogoch ER: Heterotopic ossification after primary cemented and noncemented total hip arthroplasty in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. American Orthopaedic Residents Association, Ann Arbour, Michigan. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1992: 16(2): pp 329. PA
- Lieberman IH, Beaton D, Richards RR: Functional outcome after posterior shoulder repair. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1994. PA
- Cole AA, Kerslake D, Calthorpe I, Lieberman IH, O’Dowd J, Webb JK: A long term evaluation of the intervertebral discs below Zielke VDS in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. British Scoliosis Society, Windermere, United Kingdom. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthop Transactions 1995: 77-B: pp 258. C
- Lieberman IH, Webb JK: Cervical spine injuries in the elderly. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, Florida. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1995. PA
- O’Dowd J, Cole AA, Kerslake RW, Calthorpe D, Lieberman IH, Webb JK: A long term evaluation of clinical outcome following Zielke VDS in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. British Scoliosis Society, Windermere, United Kingdom. Journal Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transact 1995:77-B: pp 258. C
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT, Litwin D: Endoscopic anterior lumbar fusion for degenerative disc disease. Technique & preliminary results. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Journal Bone Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1995: 77-B: pp 308. PA
- Lieberman IH, Webb JK: Occipito-cervical fusion using posterior titanium plates. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Journal Bone Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Trans 1995: 77-B: pp 309. PA
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT, Deber R, Kraetschmer N: Shared decision making in patients with back pain. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1995: 77-B: pp 308. PA
- Lieberman IH, Asante DK, Salo PT, Kraetschmer BG: A prospective study to determine the outcome of surgery in the treatment of spinal stenosis using the Oswestry Disability Index and the SF-36 Health Survey. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Quebec City, Quebec. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1996. SRI
- Lieberman IH, Litwin DE, Salo PT, Kraetschmer BG: Anterior interbody fusion using the BAK device: Pitfalls and complications. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Quebec City, Quebec. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1996. PA
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT: Endoscopic transthoracic release and bone grafting with simultaneous posterior instrumentation and correction for spinal deformity. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Quebec City, Quebec. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1996. PA
- Lieberman IH, Woodside T: Anterior Vertebral body screw testing: Comparison of Zielke, Kaneda, USS, and USS with pull out resistant washer. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Quebec City, Quebec. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions 1996. PA
- Backstein D, Hutchison CR, Lieberman IH: An Evaluation of a Course in Spinal Endoscopy. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Hamilton. Journal Bone Joint Surgery British, Orthopaedic Trans 1997. C
- Kiriakopoulos ET, Mikulis DJ, Lieberman IH: Dynamic 3D MRI of the Lumbar Spine,. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Hamilton. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Trans 1997. CPA
- Lewis S, Woodside T, Asante D, Lieberman IH: The effect of Transpedicular Vertebral Body Cementing on Vertebral Body Strength. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Hamilton, Ontario. Journal Bone Joint Surgery British, Orthopaedic Transactions 1997. SRI
- Lieberman IH, Orr RD, Salo PT, Kraetschmer BG: The results of Simultaneous Endoscopic Anterior Release and Posterior Instrumentation for Spinal Deformity. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Hamilton, Ontario. Journal Bone Joint Surgery, Orth Transactions Vol 80-B 1998. PA
- Lieberman IH, Salo PT, Kraetschmer BG: Multiple Level Endoscopic Transperitoneal Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Hamilton, Ontario. Journal Bone Joint Surgery, Orthopaedic Transactions Vol 80-B 1998. PA
- Lieberman IH, Bauer T, Salo PT, Kraetschmer BG: Histology of a Retrieved Interbody Fusion Cage. NASS. San Francisco. 1998. CPA
- Lieberman IH, Willsher PT, Salo PT, Litwin D: Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Exposure for lumbar Interbody Fusion. NASS. San Francisco. 1998. CPA
- Lieberman IH, Dudeney S, Phillips F: Inflatable Bone Tamp Kyphoplasty in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Compression Fractures. Presented at Eurospine 2000. Euro Spine Journal, Vol 9, No 4, pp 287, 2000. CPA
- Harrop J, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH, Prpa B: Steroid induced osteoporosis: relationship to subsequent compression fractures after kyphoplasty. Proceedings of NASS 17th Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal, Vol 2, No 5S, 95S, 2002.
- Harrop J, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH, Prpa B: Incidence of remote and adjacent fractures after Kyphoplasty. Proceedings of NASS 17th Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal, Vol 2, No 5, 122S, 2002.
- Coumans JV, Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK: A Prospective Kyphoplasty Study. Proceedings of 70th AAOS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Feb 2003.
- Kovacic J, Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Bauer T, Brodke D, Reinhardt MK: The gross & histologic behavior of PMMA in the primate vertebral column after kyphoplsty and vertebroplasty. Euro Spine J(2003) 12(Suppl.1):S1
- Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK, Hussein M: Clinical outcome of vertebral augmentation for osteolytic collapse. Eur Spine J 2003)12( Suppl.1):S2
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK: Occult osteomalacia and myeloma in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Euro Spine J (2003) 12 ( Suppl. 1): S1
- Kayanja M, Ferrara L, Lieberman IH: Distribution of anterior cortical strain in a simulated osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture. The Spine Journal, Vol 3, No 5S, pp 137, 2003
- Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK, Hussein M: Clinical outcome of vertebral augmentation for osteolytic collapse. The Spine Journal,Vol 3, No 5S, pp 146, 2003
- Dalcanto R, Ferrara L, Inceoglu S, Kayanja M, Lieberman IH: Biomechanical comparison of transarticular facet screws to lateral mass plates in two level fusions of the cervical spine. The Spine Journal, Vol 3, No 5S, pp 168, 2003
- Youssef J, Brodke D, Haynesworth S, Lauryssen C, Lieberman IH, Wang J, Patel T: Selective cell retention technology in spinal fusion. The Spine Journal, Vol 3, No 5S, pp 114, 2003
- Kovacic J, Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Bauer T, Brodke D, Reinhardt MK: The gross & histologic behavior of PMMA in the primate vertebral column after kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. The Spine Journal, Vol 3, No 5S, pp 79, 2003
- Togawa D, Bauer T, Lieberman IH, Sakai H, Reinhardt MK: Unsuspected myeloma and low grade osteomalacia in patients with vertebral compression fractures. Proceedings AAOS 71st annual meeting, pp 544, 2004.
- Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK, Hussein M: Clinical outcome of vertebral augmentation for osteolytic collapse. Proceedings AAOS 71st annual meeting, pp 545, 2004.
- Kovacic J, Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Bauer T, Brodke D, Reinhardt MK: The gross & histologic behavior of PMMA during kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Proceedings AAOS 71st annual meeting, pp 545, 2004.
- Khanna J, Lieberman IH, Reinhardt MK: The Clinical and Functional Outcome of Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures. Proceedings Spine Week 2004, Spine Society of Europe Annual Meeting, pp 779, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Bauer TW, Reinhardt MK: A diagnostic biopsy can be helpful for vertebral compression fractures; osteomalacia and unsuspected myeloma. Proceedings Spine Week 2004, Spine Society of Europe Annual Meeting, pp 846, 2004.
- Lieberman IH, Hussein M, Reinhardt MK: Clinical Outcome of Vertebral Augmentation for Osteolytic Collapse. Proceedings Spine Week 2004, Spine Society of Europe Annual Meeting, pp 285, 2004.
- Kovacic J, Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Bauer T, Brodke D, Reinhardt MK: The behavior of PMMA during kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the primate spine. Proceedings Spine Week 2004, Spine Society of Europe Annual Meeting, pp 783, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Fleming JE, Reinhardt, MK, Boehm C, Muschler GF. Selective stem cell retention for intraoperative preparation of composites enriched with bone marrow aspirates for spine surgery. Trans. of the 11th annual meeting of International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Bermuda, 2004.
- Khanna AJ, Togawa D, Stefancin J, Holman P, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH. Clinical and functional outcomes of kyphoplasty for vertebral compression fractures. Trans. of the 11th annual meeting of International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Bermuda, 2004.
- Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK, Togawa D, Stefancin J, Holman P, Lieberman IH. Functional outcomes of kyphoplasty for the treatment of spinal metastases. Trans. of the 11th annual meeting of International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Bermuda, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Richmond BJ, Fleming JE, Reinhardt, MK. Clinical and radiographic outcomes of lumbar interbody fusion using allograft composites enriched with bone marrow derived cells prepared by selective stem cell retention. Trans. of the 11th annual meeting of International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Bermuda, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Fleming JE, Reinhardt MK, Boehm C, Muschler GF. Selective stem cell retention for inraoperative preparation of composites enriched with bone marrow aspirates for spine surgery. Trans. of the 39th annual meeting of Scoliosis Research Society 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
- Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK, Togawa D, Stefancin J, Holman P, Lieberman IH. Functional outcomes of kyphoplasty for the treatment of spinal metastases. Trans. of the 39th annual meeting of Scoliosis Research Society 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Fleming JE, Reinhardt, MK, Boehm C, Muschler GF. Lumbar interbody fusion using allograft enriched with bone marrow derived cells prepared by selective stem cell retention – results of clinical and radiographic studies and in vitro assay. Trans. of the 19th annual meeting of North American Spine Society, Chicago, 2004.
- Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK, Togawa D, Stefancin J, Holman P, Lieberman IH. Clinical and functional outcomes of kyphoplasty for vertebral compression fractures. Trans. of the 19th annual meeting of North American Spine Society, Chicago, 2004.
- Kayanja MM, Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Biomechanics of prophylactic and post fracture augmentation of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in the thoraco-lumbar spine. Trans. of the 19th annual meeting of North American Spine Society, Chicago, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Richmond BJ, Fleming JE, Reinhardt, MK. Clinical and radiographic outcomes of lumbar interbody fusion using allograft enriched with bone marrow derived cells prepared by selective stem cell retention. Trans. of the 19th annual meeting of North American Spine Society, Chicago, 2004.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, McLain RF, Fleming JE, Richmond BJ, Reinhardt MK, Boehm C, Muschler GF. Efficacy of selective stem cell retention for bone marrow aspirates – clinical and radiographic results of lumbar interbody fusion. Trans. of Bone Summit 2004, Cleveland, 2004.
- Wang J, Youssef J, Lieberman IH, Brodke D, Lauryssen, Haynesworth S, Muschler GF. A prospective multi-center study of selective osteoprogenitor cell retention for enhancement of lumbar spinal fusion. Trans. of the 12th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Banff, Canada, 2005.
- Togawa D, Glaser JA, Merritt J, O’Dell J, Schlenk R, Wildstein M, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH. Vertebral height measurements restored by positioning, inflation of bone tamp, and cement deposition during kyphoplasty; blinded sagittal angle and un-blinded index level measurements. Trans. of the 12th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Banff, Canada, 2005.
- Bae H, Maurer P, Peppelman W, Beutler W, Linovitz R, Westerlund E, Peppers T, Lieberman IH, Kim C. Clinical experience using a novel bio-composite for treating vertebral compression fractures in vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty; report on the first forty patients. Trans. of the 12th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Banff, Canada, 2005.
- Togawa D, Lieberman IH, Benzel E, Kayanja M, Reinhardt MK, Zahavi E. Bone mounted miniature robot for spinal surgery. Accurate insertion for pedicle screws and translaminar facet screws in cadaveric experiments. Trans. of the 12th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Banff, Canada, 2005.
- Lee YP, Togawa D, Rosneck J, Lieberman IH. Efficacy of pull-out resistant nuts in preventing screw pullout in anterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic and adult scoliosis. Trans. of the 12th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Banff, Canada, 2005.
- Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Khanna AJ, Reinhardt MK, Stefancin J, Holman P: Clinical results of Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic and Osteolytic Vertebral Compression Fractures. Proceedings of World Spine III Interdisciplinary Congress on Spine Care, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2005.
- Lieberman IH, Togawa D, Reinhardt MK, McLain R, Richmond B, Fleming JE, Boehm C, Muschler G: Two year follow up for lumbar interbody fusion using allograft composites augmented with osteoprogenitors selected by stem cell retention system. Proceedings of World Spine III Interdisciplinary Congress on Spine Care, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2005.
- Kayanja M, Evans K, Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Adjacent vertebral level load transfer following augmentation using the technique of kyphoplasty with polymethylmethacrylate for vertebral compression fractures. Proceedings of World Spine III Interdisciplinary Congress on Spine Care, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2005.
- Togawa D, Glaser J, Merritt J, Reinhardt MK, Schlenk R, Lieberman IH. Analysis of postural versus procedural vertebral height reduction during kyphoplasty: index level and blind sagittal angle measurements. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 20th Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal July/August, Vol 5, No 4S, Pg 16S.
- Bae H, Maurer P, Peppelman W, Beutler w, Linovitz R, Westerlund E, Peppers T, Lieberman IH. Characteristics and clinical experience using a novel bioceramic for treating vertebral compression fractures in vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty: report of the first 40 patients. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 20th Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal July/August, Vol 5, No 4S, Pg 18S.
- Kayanja M, Evans K, Togawa D, Lieberman IH. Adjacent vertebral strain and centrum load following kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 20th Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal July/August, Vol 5, No 4S, Pg 16S.
- Togawa D, Glaser J, Merritt J, Reinhardt MK, Schlenk R, Lieberman IH. Height restoration analysis: positioning versus procedure during kyphoplasty. Proceeding AAOS 26th annual meeting. March 2006, Paper 345, pp 715.
- Togawa D, Kayanja M, Benzel E,Reinhardt MK, Knoller N, Friedlander A, Lieberman IH. Bone mounted miniature robotic guidance for pedicle and translaminar facet screw placement. Proceeding AAOS 26th annual meeting. March 2006, Poster 368, pp 721.
- Mroz T, Yamashita T, Davros W, Lieberman IH. Radiation exposure to the patient and the surgeon during kyphoplasty. Trans. of the 13th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Athens, Greece, 2006.
- Mroz T, Yu W, Melillo A, Lieberman IH. Difference of x-ray versus MRI in detecting and quantifying lumbar spondylolisthesis. Trans. of the 13th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Athens, Greece, 2006.
- Lieberman IH, Yamashita T, Tsai E, Kayanja M, Milks R.The biomechanics of sacral insufficiency fractures. Trans. of the 13th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Athens, Greece, 2006.
- Yamashita T, Kayanja M, Milks R, Lieberman IH. Radiographic landmarks of the sacrum. Trans. of the 13th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Athens, Greece, 2006.
- Shen M, Bae H, Lieberman IH, et al. Clinical experience using a novel bio-ceramic for treating vertebral compression fractures with one to two year follow-up. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 21st Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal Sept/Oct, Vol 6, No 5S, Pg 27S.
- Mroz T, Lieberman IH, Yamashita T, Davros W. Radiation exposure to the patient and surgeon during kyphoplasty. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 21st Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal Sept/Oct, Vol 6, No 5S, Pg 52S.
- Kayanja M, Lieberman IH, Yamashita T, Tsai E, Milks R.The biomechanics of insufficiency fractures and augmentation of the sacrum. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 21st Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal Sept/Oct, Vol 6, No 5S, Pg 96S.
- Mroz T, Lieberman IH, Yu W, Melillo A, Tozzi J. Difference of x-ray versus MRI in detecting and quantifying lumbar spondylolisthesis. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 21st Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal Sept/Oct, Vol 6, No 5S, Pg 151S.
- Yamashita T, Kayanja M, Milks R, Lieberman IH. Radiographic landmarks of the sacrum. Proceedings of the North American Spine Society 21st Annual Meeting. The Spine Journal Sept/Oct, Vol 6, No 5S, Pg 152S.
- Mroz T, Lieberman IH, Yamashita T, Davros W. Radiation exposure to the patient and surgeon during kyphoplasty. Trans. of the 41st annual meeting of Scoliosis Research Society 2006, Monterey, CA, USA
- Mroz T, Lieberman IH, Yamashita T, Davros W. Radiation exposure to the patient and surgeon during kyphoplasty. Proceeding AAOS 27th annual meeting. March 2007.
- Lieberman IH, Hardenbrook M, Deitl R, et al. Experience with miniature robot for spinal surgery: 67 cases. Proceedings of World Spine IV, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2007, paper 120, pg 89.
- Diulis C, Lee Y, Reinhardt MK, Lieberman IH. Clinical experience with anterior spinal fusion with pullout resistant nuts. Proceedings of World Spine IV, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2007, poster 162, pg 158.
- Lieberman IH, Hardenbrook M, Wang J, Guyer R, Khanna J. Radiation exposure using miniature robotic guidance for spinal surgery. Proceedings of the 22nd NASS annual mtg, Austin Tx, Oct 2007. T Spine J, Sep/Oct, Vol 7, No 5S, pp 152S.
- Jones A, Kayanja M, Milks R, Lieberman IH. Biomechanics of Posterior Hybrid Constructs Using Laminar Hooks and Pedicle Screws in Short Segment Thoracic Fixation. Proceedings of the 22nd NASS annual mtg, Austin Tx, Oct 2007. T Spine J, Sep/Oct, Vol 7, No 5S, pp 155S.
- Mroz T, Klineberg, Lieberman IH. Radiation Exposure During Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Placement. Proceedings of the 22nd NASS annual mtg, Austin Tx, Oct 2007. T Spine J, Sep/Oct, Vol 7, No 5S, pp 62S.
- Yamashita T, Siemionow K, Mroz T, Lieberman IH. A Prospective Analysis of Prognostic Factors in the Patients with Spinal Metastases- Use of the Revised Tokuhashi Score. Trans. of the 15th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Hong Kong, 2008
- Yamashita T, Siemionow K,. Mroz T, Lieberman IH. Relation between health-related quality of life score and survival in the patients with spinal metastases -A prospective analysis. Trans. of the 15th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Hong Kong, 2008
- St Clair S, Tan JS, kayanja M, Lieberman IH. An evaluation of the kinematics and mode of failure of transpedicular lumbar interbody fixation. Trans. of the 15th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Hong Kong, 2008
- PodichettyV, Varley E, Lieberman IH. Role of Patient Based Health Staus Measurments in Opiod Management for Low Back Pain. Proc of NASS 23rd annual meeting, Spine Journal, 8 (2008) 1S-191S, pg 27
- Mroz T, Yamashita T, Lieberman IH. The on and off label use of rhBMP-2 Infuse in Medicare and Non- Medicare Patients. Proc of NASS 23rd annual meeting, Spine Journal, 8 (2008) 1S-191S, pg 41
- Yamashita T, Siemionow K, Mroz T, Lieberman IH. A prospective analysis of prognostic factors in patients with spinal metastases, use of the revised Tokuhashi score. Proc of NASS 23rd annual meeting, Spine Journal, 8 (2008) 1S-191S, pg 141
- Lavelle W, Mroz T, Lieberman IH. Lumbar discectomy after selective nerve root blocks for patients with a lumbr disc herniation. Proc of NASS 23rd annual meeting, Spine Journal, 8 (2008) 1S-191S, pg 174
- Yamashita T, Siemionow K,. Mroz T, Lieberman IH. Relation between health-related quality of life score and survival in the patients with spinal metastases -A prospective analysis. Trans. of the 43rd annual meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society, pg 208, 2008
- St. Clair S, Tan JS, Lieberman IH. Guided Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fixation: a biomechanical study in human cadaveric spines. Proc of SMISS 3rd annual meeting, pg 295, Las Vegas 2008
- St. Clair S, Lieberman IH. Guided Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fixation: a feasibility study. Proc of SMISS 3rd annual meeting, pg 281, Las Vegas 2008
- St. Clair S, Lieberman IH. Guided Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fixation: a surgical anatomic study. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 132, London England, 2009
- St. Clair S, Siemionow K, Lieberman IH. Static and dynamic biomechanical properties of GOLIF in vertebrectomy model. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 154, London England, 2009
- Lieberman IH, Benzel E, Linovitz R, Ross R. The results of a pilot study with a second generation total lumbar disc replacement. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 188, London England, 2009
- Benzel E, Lieberman IH, Linovitz R, Ross R, Zimmers K. The benefits of a viscoelastic total disc replacement. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 189, London England, 2009
- Ross R, Lieberman IH, Benzel E, Zimmers K, Kuras J. Stiffness – a key mechanical concept to understanding spinal function. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 194, London England, 2009
- St. Clair S, Tang Seng T, Lieberman IH. Guided Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fixation: a biomechanical study to compare against pedicle screws fixation. Proc of SAS 9th annual meeting, pg 210, London England, 2009
- Siemionow K, Lieberman IH. The implications of intraoperative fluid replacement on pulmonary complications in patients undergoing spine surgery; a review of 1398 cases. Proc of IMAST 16th annual meeting, pg 147, Vienna, Austria, 2009
- Mariscalo M, Yamashita T, Steinmetz M, Bell G, Lieberman IH, Mroz T. Radiation exposure to the surgeon during open lumbar microdiscectomy and minimally invasive microdiscectomy. Proc of IMAST 16th annual meeting, pg 150, Vienna, Austria, 2009
- Yamashita T, Steinmetz M, Lieberman IH, Mroz T. The utility of repeated post operative radiographs following lumbar instrumented fusion? Proc of IMAST 16th annual meeting, pg 164, Vienna, Austria, 2009
- Yamashita T, Siemionow K, Mroz T, Podichetty V, Lieberman IH. A Prospective Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Patients With Spinal Metastases – Use of The Revised Tokuhashi Score. Proc of IMAST 16th Annual Meeting, pg 132, Vienna, Austria, 2009
100. Yamashita T, Siemionow K, Mroz T, Podichetty V, Lieberman IH. Relation Between Health-Related Quality of Life Score And Survival in The Patients With Spinal Metastases – A Prospective Analysis. Proc of IMAST 16th Annual Meeting, pg 110, Vienna, Austria, 2009
101. St Clair S, Tan JS, Lieberman IH. Oblique lumbar interbody screw fixation (OLIF): a biomechanical study in human spines versus pedicle screw fixation. Eur Spine J (2009) 18 (Supp 4): S498
102. Lieberman IH, Benzel E, Ross R, Zimmer K. Pilot study with a viscoelastic lumbar total disc replacement. Proceeding AAOS 30th annual meeting. March 2010, Poster 384.
103. Siemionow K, Lieberman IH, et al. Intraoperative fluid management and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing spine surgery. Proceeding AAOS 30th annual meeting. March 2010, Paper 074.
104. Lieberman IH. Biomechanical and fatigue properties of percutaneous trans-pedicular fixation accompanied by facet screw fixation in the lumbar spine. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques, Las Vegas, USA, June 2010.
105. Lieberman IH, Ohnmeiss D. Robotic-assisted Pedicle Screw Placement in Complex Spinal Surgery Cases: What Was Learned from Our First 23 Patients. Proceedings of SAS 11th annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 2011
106. Lieberman, IH, Ohnmeiss, D., Hu, X. Robotic-assisted Pedicle Screw Placement in Complex Spinal Surgery: What Was Learned from the First 35 Consecutive Patients. Proceedings of 18th International Meeting of Advanced Spine Techniques, Copenhagen, Denmark July 13-16, 2011.
107. Hu X., Lieberman IH. Use of robotic assisted pedicle screw placement in deformity and revision spine surgery. Proceedings of The 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul, Turkey, July 18-21, 2012
108. Hu X., Lieberman IH. Does maintenance/restoration of cervical lordosis improve outcome after ACDF? Proceedings of The 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul, Turkey, July 18-21, 2012
109. Hu X., Lieberman IH. Use of ultrasonic BoneScalpel in spine surgeries: experience from the first 58 patients. Proceedings of The 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul, Turkey, July 18-21, 2012
110. Lieberman IH., Hu, X., Sparks, J., Ohnmeiss, D., Verma-Kurvari, S., Guyer, R., Zigler, J. Comparison of Manual and OfficePACS-Based Digital Methods for Cobb Angle Measurements in Patients with Spinal Deformity. Proceedings of The 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul, Turkey, July 18-21, 2012
111. Morrison T, Lieberman IH, Hu X. The Relationship Between Pre-Op ESR and CRP Level and Spine Surgery Infections. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Podium Presentation.
112. Lieberman IH, Hu X, Ughwanogho E. Robotic Assisted Surgeries for the Treatment of Metastatic Spine Tumors: Experience in Five Cases. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Poster Presentation.
113. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Ultrasonic Osteotome Device in Spine Surgeries. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Poster Presentation.
114. Lieberman IH, Hu X. The Learning Curve of Robotic Assisted Pedicle Screw Placement in Spine Surgery. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Poster Presentation.
115. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Restoration of Cervical Lordosis is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcome in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Patients. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Podium Presentation.
116. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Accuracy of Robotic Assisted Pedicle Screw Placement in Deformity and Revision Spine Surgeries. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Podium Presentation.
117. Lieberman IH, Sparks J, Ohnmeiss D.D., Verma-Kurvari S, Guyer R.D., Zigler J.E. Cobb Angle Measurements in Patients with Spinal Deformity: OFFICEPACS-based Digital Method Compared with Traditional Manual Measurements. The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 13th Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April 3-5, 2013. Poster Presentation
118. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Restoration of Cervical Lordosis is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcome in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Patients. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques 20th Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July 10-13, 2013. Podium Presentation.
119. Lieberman IH, Siemionow KB, Hu X. Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae Morphology in Lenke Type 1 Female Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients: A Fine CT Scan Based Analysis. ISASS 14th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, May 2014. Oral Poster Presentation.
120. Hu X, Shahab I, Lieberman IH. Spinal Myeloid Sarcoma Chloroma Presenting as Cervical Radiculopathy: A Case Report. ISASS 14th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, May 2014. Poster Presentation.
121. Hu X, Lieberman IH. Research Publication Trends in Five Major Spine Journals. ISASS 14th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, May 2014. Poster Presentation.
122. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Primary or Metastatic Spine Tumors with Back/Neck and/or Radicular Pain as Initial Presentation: Expereince from a Scoliosis & Spine Tumor Center at a Community Hospital. ISASS 14th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, May 2014. Poster Presentation.
123. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Restoration of Cervical Alignment is Associated with Improved Outcome in One or Two Level Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgeries. ISASS 15th Annual Conference, San Diego, California, April 2015. Oral Poster Presentation.
124. Hu X., Lieberman IH. Prevalence and Factors Affecting Cervical Deformity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. 50th Annual Meeting & Course Scoliosis Research Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 2015. Podium Presentation.
125. Hu X., Lieberman IH. Does Intrawound Application of Vancomycin Powder Decrease SSI in Posterior Deformity and Revision Spine Surgeries? 50th Annual Meeting & Course Scoliosis Research Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 2015. Poster Presentation
126. Chotai, S, Devin C, Lieberman IH. Does the Use of Intrawound Vancomycin Decrease the Risk of Surgical Site Infection after Elective Spine Surgery? A Multicenter Analysis. 30th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2015.
127. Haddas R, Yang J, Lieberman IH. Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization of Lifting Task in Recurrent Low Back Pain Population. 30th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2015.
128. Hu X, Ohnmeiss DD, Zigler J, Guyer R, Lieberman IH. Restoration of Cervical Alignment is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcome after One- and Two- level Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. 30th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2015.
129. Lieberman IH, Hu X,. Revision versus Primary Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Comparison of Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes. 30th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2015. Podium Presentation.
130. Xiao R, Miller J, Featherall J, Lieberman IH. Radiologic Progression of Vertebral Fractures in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. 30th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2015.
131. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Prevalence and Factors Affecting Cervical Deformity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Oral Poster.
132. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Robotic-guided Sacro-pelvic Fixation Using S2 Alar-Iliac Screws: Feasibility and Accuracy. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Oral Poster.
133. Hu X, Brice S, Lieberman IH. Cost and Clinical Outcome Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgeries-Experience from a Nonprofit Community Hospital. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
134. Haddas R, Xu M, Lieberman IH, Yang J. Finite Element-based Adjacent Level Analysis after Lumbar Fusion for Scoliosis. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
135. Haddas R, Xu M, Lieberman IH, Yang J. Finite Element Model Development and Validation of a Healthy Human Lumbar Spine. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
136. Hu X, Block A, Brice S, Lieberman IH. Effect of a Comprehensive Pre-surgical Education Program on the Anxiety Levels of Patients with Spinal Disorders: A Prospective Study. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
137. Hu X, Lieberman IH. Does Smoking History Affect the Outcome of Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery? 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
138. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Clinical Outcome and Variables Affecting Outcome after Decompression Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. 16th Annual Conference International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016. Poster Presentation.
139. Hu X, Lieberman IH. What Factors Will Affect the Patients’ Clinical Outcome After Decompression Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016.
140. Hu X, Brice S, Lieberman IH. Cost and Clinical Outcome Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgeries-Experience From a Nonprofit Community Hospital. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Podium Presentation.
141. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Revision Versus Primary Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Comparison of Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Podium Presentation.
142. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Robotic-Guided Sacro-Pelvic Fixation Using S2 Alar-Iliac Screws: Feasibility and Accuracy. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Podium Presentation.
143. Hu X, Block A, Brice S, Lieberman IH. Effect of a Comprehensive Pre-Surgical Education Program on the Anxiety Levels of Patients with Spinal Disorders: A Prospective Study. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016.
144. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Prevalence and Factors Affecting Cervical Deformity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016.
145. Farhan SA, Eichler M, Hu X, Lieberman IH, Belanger T, Pendi A, Bederman S. Sagittal Spinal and Pelvic Parameters in Patients with Scheuermann’s Disease: A Preliminary Study. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Podium Presentation.
146. Hu X, Lieberman IH. Does Smoking History Affect the Outcome of Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery? Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Poster Presentation.
147. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Primary or Metastatic Spine Tumor Patients with Back and/or Radicular Pain as Initial Presentation: Experience from a Community Hospital. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Poster Presentation.
148. Hu M, Yang J, Lieberman IH, Haddas R. Finite Element Model Development and Validation of a Healthy Human Lumbar Spine. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Poster Presentation.
149. Haddas R, Xu M, Lieberman IH, Yang J. Finite Element-Based Adjacent Level Analysis after Lumbar Fusion for Scoliosis. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Poster Presentation.
150. Haddas R, Lieberman IH. Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization on Asymmetric Lifting Task in Individuals with Recurrent Low Back Pain. Spine Week, Singapore, May 2016. Poster Presentation.
151. Xu M, Yang J, Lieberman IH, Haddas R. Healthy and Scoliosis Lumbar Spine Under Whole Body Vibration-A Finite Element Pilot Study. ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, August 2016. Podium Presentation.
152. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Robotic-Guided Sacro-Pelvic Fixation Using S2 Alar-Iliac Screws: Feasibility and Accuracy. Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Annual Forum 206, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2016. Podium Presentation.
153. Hu X, Block A, Brice S, Bederman S, Lieberman IH. Effect of a Comprehensive Presurgical Education Program on the Anxiety Levels of Patients with Spinal Disorders: A Prospective Study. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016.
154. Haddas R, Ming X, Lieberman IH, Yang J. Finite Element-Based Adjacent Level Analysis of Pre- and Postlumbar Fusion for Scoliosis in Comparison to Healthy Spines. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016.
155. Haddas R, Lieberman IH. A Comparison of Kinematics and Spatiotemporal Parameters During Gait When Using Walking Sticks Versus a Walker in Adult Scoliosis Patients. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016.
156. Lieberman IH, Brice S, Hu X. Cost and Clinical Outcome Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgeries: Experiences from a Nonprofit Community Hospital. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016. Podium Presentation.
157. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Robotic-Guided Sacro-Pelvic Fixation Using S2 Alar-Iliac Screws: Feasibility and Accuracy. Cost and Clinical Outcome Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgeries: Experiences from a Nonprofit Community Hospital. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016. Podium Presentation.
158. Lieberman IH, Hu X. Prevalence and Factors Affecting Cervical Deformities in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. Cost and Clinical Outcome Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgeries: Experiences from a Nonprofit Community Hospital. North American Spine Society 31st Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016. Podium Presentation.