Meet Our Team

Practicing Locations: Plano
Specialty: Spine Surgery
Fellowship Training: Spinal Surgery
Certification: Certified – American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
Dr. Scott L. Blumenthal Quote:
“Refuse to Fuse.” “My goal as a spine surgeon is to get my patients back to life using the most advanced motion-preserving technologies. This includes lumbar and cervical artificial discs as well as posterior dynamic stabilization and interspinous process distraction.”
Scott Blumenthal, MD, is a Spine Surgeon with the Texas Back Institute and the first and only surgeon in the United States to devote his practice solely to the research and application of artificial disc replacement. Dr. Blumenthal was instrumental in bringing artificial disc replacement surgery to the United States after its creation and use in Europe. Dr. Blumenthal is a leader in spinal arthroplasty working with a large number of discs currently on the market and in trials. He serves as a clinical assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas and is an ongoing contributor to the first non-profit foundation created for arthroplasty patients.
Dr. Scott Blumenthal graduated from Northwestern Medical School in Chicago and completed his general surgery internship and orthopedic surgery residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Dallas, TX. His fellowships include work at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and at Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago for spinal trauma surgery.
- 1987 Spinal Trauma Fellowship, Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
- 1983-1987 Orthopedic Surgery Residency, University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas (Chief of Service: Vert Mooney, M.D.)
- 1982-1983 General Surgery Internship, University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas
- 1982 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Fellowship, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- 1982 M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, Evanston, Illinois
- 1978 B.S., Medicine, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
- Spine Consultant, Dallas Mavericks
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX
- D Magazine Best Doctor – 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023
- Texas Monthly Super Doctor: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Principal Investigator, SB III Charité Artificial Disc (first artificial disc in the country)
- Graduated with Distinction from Northwestern Medical School, Evanston, Illinois
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical Society
- Honors Program in Medical Education, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Publication, Books, & Presentations
As world-renowned leaders in the field of neck and back care, back pain surgery, and back and neck pain treatment, Texas Back Institute doctors are continuously writing and presenting professional articles, publications and speaking engagements to national and international audiences.
1. Johnson K, Tencer AF, Blumenthal S, August A, Johnston DW: Biomechanical Performance of Locked Intramedullary Nail Systems in Comminuted Femoral Shaft Fractures. Clin Orthop 206:151-161, 1986.
2. Blumenthal SL, Roach J, Herring JA: Lumbar Scheuermann’s: A Clinical Series and Classification. Spine 12(9):929-932, 1987.
3. Blumenthal SL, Baker J, Dossett A, Selby DK: The Role of Anterior Lumbar Fusion for Internal Disc Disruption. Spine 13(5):566-559, 1988.
4. Gill K, Blumenthal SL: Clinical Experience with Automated Percutaneous Discectomy: The Nucleotome® System. Orthopedics 14 (7):757-760, 1991.
5. Gill K, Blumenthal SL: Functional Results After Anterior Lumbar Fusion at L5-S1 in Patients with Normal and Abnormal MRI Scans. Spine 17(8):940-94, 1992.
6. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Can Lumbar Spine X-Rays Accurately Determine Fusion in Post-Operative Patients? Spine 18(9):18:1186-1189, 1993.
7. Gill K, Blumenthal SL: Automated Percutaneous Discectomy. Long-term Clinical Experience with the Nucleotome System. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 251:30-33, 1993.
8. Blumenthal S, Gill K: Complications of the Wiltse Pedicle Screw Fixation System. Spine 18(13):1867-1871, 1993.
9. Gill K, Blumenthal SL: Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. A 2-year Follow-up of 238 Patients. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 251:108-110, 1993.
10. Blumenthal SL: Normal Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Abnormal Discography in Lumbar Disc Disruption. [Letter] Spine 20(1):120, 1995.
11. Ray CD, Blumenthal S, Klara P, Magana I, Gill K, Schonmayer R, Kim YS: Interbody Cages. [Letter] J Neurosurg 93(2 Suppl):338-340, 2000.
12. Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL: Artificial Disc: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study in the United States. Eur Spine J 11(Suppl 2):S106-110, 2002.
13. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, McAfee P, Garcia R, Salib R, Yuan H, Lee C, Bertagnoli R, Bryan V: Artificial Discs and Beyond: A North American Spine Society Annual Meeting Symposium. Spine J 2(6):460-463, 2003.
14. Blumenthal, SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Contemporary Concepts in Spine Care: Intervertebral Cages for Degenerative Spinal Disease. Spine J 3(4):301-309, 2003.
15. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH: Prospective Study Evaluating Total Disc Replacement: Preliminary Results. J Spinal Disord Tech 16(5):450-454, 2003.
16. Geisler FH, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Regan JJ, Johnson JP, Mullin B: Neurological Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement and Comparison of Clinical Results with those Related to Lumbar Arthrodesis in the Literature: Results of a Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized Investigational Device Exemption Study of Charite Intervertebral Disc. J Neurosurg Spine 1(2):143-154, 2004.
17. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Fedder IL, Ohnmeiss DD, Cunningham BW: Prospective Randomized Study of the Charité Artificial Disc: Data from Two Investigational Centers. Spine J 4(6 Suppl):252S-259S, 2004.
18. Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Garcia R Jr, Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center FDA IDE Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the CHARITÉ™ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Part I – Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes. Spine 30(14):1565-1575, 2005.
19. McAfee PC, Cunningham B, Holsapple G, Bussard-Adams K, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Dmitriev A, Maxwell J, Regan JJ, Isaza J: A Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center FDA IDE Study of the Charité™ Artificial Disc: A Radiographic Outcomes Analysis, Correlation of Surgical Technique Accuracy with Clinical Outcomes, and Evaluation of the Learning Curve. Spine 30(14):1576-1583, 2005.
20. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Indications, Contraindications, and Radiographic Evaluation. Lumbar Spine Arthroplasty: Volume II. Quality Medical Publishing. St. Louis, MO, 2005; pp. 3-16.
21. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: IDE Clinical Studies: Results of a Prospective Randomized, Multicenter, FDA-Controlled Clinical Trial. Lumbar Spine Arthroplasty: Volume II. Quality Medical Publishing. St. Louis, MO, 2005; pp. 17-38.
22. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Cappuccino A: Discectomy. Lumbar Spine Arthroplasty: Volume III. Quality Medical Publishing. St. Louis, MO, 2005; pp. 17-39.
23. McAfee PC, Geisler FH, Saiedy SS, Moore SV, Regan JJ, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Fedder IL, Tortolani PJ, Cunningham B: Revisibility of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc Replacement: Analysis of 688 Patients Enrolled in the U.S. IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. Spine 31(11):1217-1226, 2006.
24. Blumenthal SL: Letter to the Editor [Response to Kurtz et al. Analysis of a Retrieved Polyethylene Total Disc Replacement Component.]. Spine J 6(1):98-99, 2006.
25. Regan JJ, McAfee PC, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, Garcia R, Maxwell, JH. Evaluation of Surgical Volume and the Early Experience with Lumbar Total Disc Replacement as Part of the Investigational Device Exemption Study of the Charité Artificial Disc. Spine 31(19):2270-2276, 2006.
26. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ: The First 18 Months Following FDA Approval of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement in the United States: Reported Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. SAS J 1(1):8-11, 2007.
27. Holt R, Majd M, Isaza J, Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Geisler F, Garcia R, Regan J: Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from the Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. SAS J 1(1):20-27, 2007.
28. Cunningham BW, McAfee PC, Geisler FH, Holsapple G, Adams K, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Cappuccino A, Regan JJ, Fedder IL, Tortolani PJ: Distribution of In Vivo and In Vitro Range of Motion Following 1-level Arthroplasty with the CHARITE Artificial Disc Compared with Fusion. J Neurosurg Spine 8(2):7-12, 2008.
29. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: Patient Selection for Lumbar Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis: The Effect of Revision Surgery in a Controlled, Multicenter, Randomized Study. J Neurosurg Spine 8(2):13-16, 2008.
30. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: Effect of Previous Surgery on Clinical Outcome Following 1-level Lumbar Arthroplasty. J Neurosurg Spine 8(2):108-114, 2008.
31. Guyer RD, Geisler FH, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Mullin BB: Effect of Age on Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes and Adverse Events Following 1-level Lumbar Arthroplasty after a Minimum 2-year Follow-up. J Neurosurg Spine 8(2):101-107, 2008.
32. Guyer RD, Siddiqui S, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Sachs BL, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF: Lumbar Spinal Arthroplasty: Analysis of One Center’s 20 Best and 20 Worst Clinical Outcomes. Spine 33(23):2566-2569, 2008.
33. Rohan MX Jr, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Sachs BL, Rashbaum RF: Relationship between the Length of Time Off Work Pre-operatively and Clinical Outcome at 24-month Follow-up in Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement or Fusion. Accepted for publication in Spine J.
34. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis Lg, Majd M, Regan JJ, Tromanhauser SG, Wong DC, Blumenthal SL: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the CHARITE Artificial Disc Versus Lumbar Fusion: Five-Year Follow-up. Accepted for publication in Spine J.
1. Selby DK, Blumenthal SL: Anterior Lumbar Fusion. Lumbar Spine Surgery Techniques and Complications. 1987; p 385.
2. Selby DK, Henderson RJ, Blumenthal SL, Dossett D. Anterior Lumbar Fusion. Lumbar Spine Surgery Indications, Techniques, Failures and Alternatives. 1988; p. 248.
3. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL: Preliminary Unites States Experience with the SB Charité III Artificial Discs. In: Büttner-Janz K, Hochschuler SH, McAfee PC (eds): The Artificial Disc. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2003, pp. 139-145.
4. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Degenerative Disc Disease: Complications of Surgery. In: Herkowitz H (ed): The Lumbar Spine, 3rd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2004, pp 360-372.
5. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL: Evolution in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc-Related Pain. In: Guyer RD, Zigler JE (eds): Spinal Arthroplasty: A New Era in Spine Care. Quality Medical Publishers, St. Louis, MO. 2005; pp 3-24.
6. Blumenthal SL, Mataragas NR, Moore S: Lumbar Spine – Anterior Anatomy and Surgical Approach. In Herkowitz H et al. (eds) The Spine 5th Edition, Elsevier, London; 2007.
7. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Charite Artificial Disc. In Yue, Bertagnoli R, McAfee PC, An H (eds): Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA; 2007.
8. Blumenthal SL, Geisler F, Roush T, Ohnmeiss DD: Simultaneous Lumbar Fusion and Total Disc Replacement. In: Yue JJ, Bertagnoli R, McAfee PC, An HS (eds): Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 2008; pp 617-619.
9. Singh K, Yakel DM, Wojewnik B, Ohnmeiss DD, Vaccaro A, Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Spine Arthroplasty: Charité Total Disk Replacement. In: Vaccaro A, Baron EM (eds): Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 2008; pp. 409-428.
10. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Charite Artificial Disc. In: Yue JJ, Bertagnoli R, McAfee PC, An HS (eds): Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 2008; pp 309-317.
11. Blumenthal SL, Geisler F, Roush T, Ohnmeiss DD: Simultaneous Lumbar Fusion and Total Disc Replacement. In: Yue JJ, Bertagnoli R, McAfee PC, An HS (eds): Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 2008; pp 617-619.
12. Blumenthal SL, Siddiqui S: Lumbar Spinal Arthroplasty. In: Vaccaro A, Albert T (eds): Spine Surgery: Tricks of the Trade 2nd Edition. Thieme, New York, New York; in press.
13. Blumenthal SL, Yakel D: Anterior Total Disk Arthroplasty. In Vaccaro A (ed) Atlas of Spinal Surgery. Elsevier, in press.
1. Blumenthal SL: Biomechanics of Interlocking Nails. Orthopaedic Trauma Hospital Association. October, 1983; Houston, Texas.
2. Blumenthal SL: Biomechanics of Interlocking Nails. American Orthopaedic Association Residents Conference. May 1984; Ann Arbor, Michigan.
3. Blumenthal SL: A Prospective Comparative Study of Chymopapain versus Collagenase for the Treatment of Ruptured Lumbar Disc. Residents Conference. May, 1985; New Orleans, Louisiana.
4. Blumenthal SL, Baker J, Dossett A, Selby DK: The Role of Anterior Fusion for Internal Disc Disruption. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May-June, 1986; Dallas, Texas.
5. Blumenthal SL, Roach J, Herring JA. Lumbar Scheuermann’s: A Clinical Series and Classification. Scoliosis Research Society. September, 1986; Bermuda.
6. Blumenthal SL, Gill K, Selby DK: The Preoperative Evaluation Program and the Dallas Pain Questionnaire. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, 1989; Kyoto, Japan.
7. Blumenthal SL: Non-Osseous Cervical and Lumbar Trauma, Diagnosis and Management. St. Paul ”Practice Update 89”. December, 1989.
8. Gill K, Blumenthal SL: Functional Results after Anterior Lumbar Fusion in with Normal and Abnormal MRI Scans. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 1990; Boston, Massachusetts.
9. Blumenthal SL: Clinical Radiology of the Lumbar Disc. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Anaheim, California, March 1991.
10. Early Results of the Wiltse Pedicular Instrumentation System for the Treatment of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures. American Spinal Injury Association. April, 1991; Seattle, Washington.
11. Epidural Compression Secondary to an Organized Hematoma in Neurologically Intact Patient With a Lumbar Spine Fracture: Is This Clinically Significant? American Spinal Injury Association. Seattle, Washington, April 1991.
12. Blumenthal SL: The Art of Preparing For and Taking Oral Examinations: “Cervical Spine”. Southwest Orthopaedic Surgery Review. April, 1989; Dallas, Texas.
13. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Can Lumbar Spine X-rays Accurately Determine Fusion in Post-Operative Patients? Correlation of Routine Radiographs with a Second Surgical Look in Fusion. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 1991; Heidelberg, Germany.
14. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Complications of Pedicle Screw Fixation. North American Spine Society. July-August, 1991; Keystone, Colorado.
15. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Can Lumbar Spine X-rays Accurately Determine Fusion in Post-Operative Patients? Correlation of Routine radiographs with a Second Surgical Look in Lumbar Fusions. North American Spine Society. July 31 – August 3, 1991; Keystone, Colorado.
16. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Complication of Wiltse Pedicle Screw Fixation System. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Wiltse Pedicle Screw Fixation System Workshop. February, 1992; Washington D.C.
17. Blumenthal SL: Long Term Results with Automated Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Issues in Contemporary Spine. February, 1992; Washington D.C.
18. Blumenthal SL: New Application of the Wiltse System to the Cervical Spine. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February, 1992; Washington D.C.
19. Blumenthal SL: Complication of Pedicle Screw Fixation. Los Angeles Chapter of Western Orthopedic Association. March, 1992; LaQuinta, California.
20. Blumenthal SL: Pedicle Fixation of the Lumbar Spine. Scoliosis Research Society and North American Spine Society. April -May, 1992; Phoenix, Arizona.
21. Blumenthal SL: Segmental Instability. Kaiser Permanente Symposium, May, 1992.
22. Blumenthal SL: Bone Grafting Choices, Techniques, and Substances. USC University Hospital. October, 1992; Los Angeles, California.
23. Blumenthal SL: Use of Lateral Mass Plates. USC University Hospital. October, 1992; Los Angeles, California.
24. Blumenthal SL: Low Back Pain in the 90’s. Back Solutions Seminar. May, 1993; Dallas, Texas.
25. Blumenthal SL: Evaluation of Lumbar Spine Surgery in Professional Basketball Players. SEC Sports Medicine Symposium. March, 1994; Memphis, Tennessee.
26. Blumenthal SL, Souryal TO, Atkinson D: Evaluation of Lumbar Spine Surgery in Professional Basketball Players. American College of Sports Medicine. June, 1994; Indianapolis, Indiana.
27. Blumenthal SL: Demonstration of the Endoflex System for minimally invasive spinal surgery. August, 1994; Hong Kong.
28. Blumenthal SL: Steerable Endoscopic Discectomy Workshop. Rush Presbyterian – St. Lukes Medical Center. September, 1994; Chicago, Illinois.
29. Blumenthal SL: New Advances in Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. January, 1995; Napa Valley California.
30. Blumenthal SL: Percutaneous Surgery vs. Laparoscopy. February, 1995; Dallas Texas.
31. Blumenthal SL, Regan JJ, Guyer RD, Novotny S, Ohnmeiss DD: Laparoscopic Assisted Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 1995; Helsinki, Finland.
32. Blumenthal SL: Recent Advances and Results of the Wiltse System: New Techniques for Lumbar Spine Procedures. Combined Meeting of Spine Society of Australia and Neurological Society of Australasia. September, 1995; Broome, Australia.
33. Blumenthal SL: New Techniques for Lumbar Spine Procedures. Combined Meeting of Spine Society of Australia and Neurological Society of Australia. September, 1995; Broome, Australia.
34. Blumenthal SL: Indications and Contraindications to Steerable Endoscopic Microdiscectomy. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s CME Conference, Los Angeles, CA, November 19, 1995.
35. Blumenthal SL: Steerable Endoscopic Discectomy Workshop. Georgia Baptist Health Care Systems and Georgia Back Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, February 21, 1996.
36. Blumenthal SL: Videoscopic Anterior Approaches to Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Surgery. University of Cincinnati Medical Center. May, 1996; Cincinnati, Ohio.
37. Blumenthal SL: Endoscopic Surgery Interbody Fusion. Singapore Orthopaedic Association. November, 1996; Singapore.
38. Massoud B, Ohnmeiss DD, Rinn C, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Regan JJ, Fulp T: Results of Hardware Removal in the Lumbar Spine and the Role of Diagnostic Hardware Injection. Dialogue and Controversy in Spinal Surgery. April, 1998; Stove Mountain, Georgia.
39. Blumenthal SL: Ciruglia de Minima Invasion. Sociedad Argentina De Patologia De La Columna Vertebral. October, 1998; Mar del Plata, Argentina.
40. Blumenthal SL:PLIF vs. ALIF… Patient Selection Criteria. Ray TFC Advanced Symposium, sponsored by Surgical Dynamics. December, 1998; Scottsdale, Arizona.
41. Blumenthal SL: Cautions of Interbody Fusions with Cages. Ray TFC Advanced Symposium, sponsored by Surgical Dynamics. December, 1998; Scottsdale, Arizona.
42. Blumenthal SL: Surgical Decision Making: Mini Anterior vs. Laparoscopic vs. Posterior Approaches. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. April, 1999; St. Louis, Missouri.
43. Simpson NS, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD, Risk DE: Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Threaded Fusion Cages: Technique, Feasibility, and Safety. American Spinal Injury Association. April, 1999; Atlanta, Georgia..
44. Blumenthal SL: Surgical Decision-Making: Mini Anterior vs. Laparoscopic vs. Posterior Approaches. (Symposium: Fusion Cages: Are They Stand Alone Devices?) North American Spine Society. October, 1999; Chicago, Illinois.
45. Blumenthal SL: Surgical Decision-Making: Mini Anterior vs. Laparoscopic vs. Posterior Approaches. Symposium on Fusion Cages: Are They Stand Alone Devices? North American Spine Society. October, 1999. Chicago, Illinois.
46. Blumenthal SL: Clinical Experience with Fusion Cages in a Large Population with Discogenic Pain. (Symposium: Lumbar Discogenic Disease). American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2000; Orlando, Florida.
47. Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Comparison of Laparoscopic to Mini-Open Fusion at the L4-5 Level. North American Spine Society. October, 2000; New Orleans, Louisiana.
48. Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Hochschuler SH, Guyer RD, Fedder I, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Evaluation of the SB Charité III Disc Prosthesis. Spine Society of Australia. April, 2001; Australia.
49. Burton DC, Ohnmeiss DD, Zigler JE, Blumenthal SL, Rashbaum RF, Guyer RD, Regan JJ: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion with Allograft Bone and Plate Fixation. American Spinal Injury Association. May, 2001; Long Beach, California.
50. Hisey MS, Bash J, Ohnmeiss DD, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Regan JJ, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF: Is There an Association Between Using ADCON-LTM and the Incidence of Recurrent Disc Herniation? American Spinal Injury Association. May, 2001; Long Beach, California
51. Blumenthal SL: Artificial Discs and Beyond. (Moderator and Organizer of this Symposium). North American Spine Society, November, 2001; Seattle, Washington.
52. Blumenthal SL: Artificial Discs. Grand Rounds; 2002; Boston, Massachusetts.
53. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study Using the SB Charité III Disc Prosthesis. Spine Society of Australia. April, 2002; Melbourne, Australia.
54. Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE: Influence of Scan Projection on the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in a Low Back Pain Population. Meeting of the Americas. April, 2002; New York, New York.
55. Henry S, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Chang Y, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Outcome of Anterior Cervical Fusion For Discographically Proven Pain. Meeting of the Americas. April, 2002; New York, New York.
56. Blumenthal SL: Artificial Disc Update. Texas Spine Society. April, 2003; Austin, Texas.
57. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: US Experience with the SB Charité Artificial Disc. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2002; Montpellier, France.
58. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective outcome evaluation of a Total Disc Replacement. Spine Society of Australia. April, 2003; Canberra, Australia.
59. Blumenthal SL: Results of Charité: FDA – Preliminary. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2003; Phoenix, Arizona.
60. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Outcome Evaluation of a Total Disc Replacement. Spine Across the Sea. July, 2003; Maui, Hawaii.
61. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Preliminary Experience with the SB Charité III Disc Prosthesis. World Spine. August 2003; Chicago, Illinois.
62. Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL: Prospective Outcome Evaluation of Total Disc Replacement: A 12- to 24-Month Follow-Up Study. North American Spine Society. October, 2003; San Diego, California.
63. Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Fusions: Instrumentation and Techniques. Blackstone Workshop at EuroSpine. October, 2003; Prague, Czechoslovakia.
64. Blumenthal SL: Cervical Fusions and Instrumentation: Anterior Cervical Plating and a New Posterior Occipital-Cervical-Thoracic System. Blackstone Workshop at EuroSpine. October, 2003; Prague, Czechoslovakia.
65. Blumenthal SL: Biomechanics of the Charité Artificial Disc. Dynamic Spine Stabilization. November, 2003; Plano, Texas.
66. Blumenthal SL: Preliminary Results of the Prospective Randomized FDA Study Comparing Fusion versus SB Charité Total Disc Arthroplasty. Non-Fusion Technology “A State of The Art Debate”. December, 2003; New York, New York/Zurich, Switzerland.
67. Blumenthal SL: Debate about the Conversion Process from Fusion to Total Disc Arthroplasty. Non-Fusion Technology “A State of The Art Debate”. December, 2003; New York, New York/Zurich, Switzerland.
68. Blumenthal SL: Surgical Video – Charité. North American Spine Society Pre-course. October, 2003; San Diego, California.
69. Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Outcome Evaluation of Total Disc Replacement. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2004; San Francisco, California.
70. Blumenthal SL. Randomized Control Trial of the Charite Artificial Disc vs. Fusion for Single Level Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: A Two-Year Follow-up Study. North American Spine Society Spring Break. April, 2004; Boca Raton, Florida.
71. McAfee PC, Cunningham BW, Holsapple G, Bussard K, Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Dmitriev A, Maxwell JH, Isaza J, Regan J: A Prospective Randomized U.S. FDA Study of the Charité Disc Replacement – A Radiographic Outcome Analysis of 276 Consecutive Patients. Spine Society of Australia. April, 2004; Coolum, Australia.
72. Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Garcia R, Regan J, Ohnmeiss D: Randomized Control Trial of the Charité Artificial Disc vs. Fusion for Single Level Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: A Two-Year Follow-up Study. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2004; Vienna, Austria.
73. Blumenthal SL., Sohn JM, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Range of Motion Analysis of the Lumbar Spine after Total Disc Replacement: A Prospective Two-Year Follow-Up Study. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2004; Vienna, Austria.
74. Hochschuler SH, Whitaker C, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Sachs BL, Blumenthal SL, Rashbaum RF, Ohnmeiss DD: Comparison of Return to Work Following Total Disc Arthroplasty vs. Fusion: A Prospective, Randomized Study. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2004; Vienna, Austria.
75. Sachs BL, Gottlieb J, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Rashbaum RF, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Whitaker C, Ohnmeiss DD: Comparison of Complications Associated with Total Disc Replacement versus Lumbar Fusion at Two-year Follow-Up. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2004; Vienna, Austria.
76. Geisler FH, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Garcia R, Regan JJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial of Artificial Disc vs. Fusion for Single Level Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: A 2-Year Follow-up IDE Study. Congress of Neurological Surgeons. 2004; San Francisco, California.
77. McAfee PC, Cunningham BW, Holsapple G, Bussard K, Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Dmitriev A, Maxwell JH, Isaza J, Regan J: A Prospective Randomized U.S. FDA Study of the Charité Disc Replacement – A Radiographic Outcome Analysis of 276 Consecutive Patients. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2004; Porto, Portugal.
78. Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Garcia R, Regan J, Ohnmeiss D: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Comparison of Artificial Disc vs. Fusion for Singl Level Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: A Two-Year Follow-up Study. North American Spine Society. October, 2004; Chicago, Illinois.
79. McAfee P, Cunningham BW, Holsapple G, Bussard K, Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Dmitriev A, Maxwell J, Isaza J, Regan J: A Prospective Randomized FDA Study of the Charite Disc Replacement – A Radiographic Outcome Analysis of 276 Consecutive Patients. North American Spine Society. October, 2004; Chicago, Illinois.
80. Blumenthal SL: Results of TDA: The Combined Charite FDA Results. Elevating Best Practice in Spine: New Technology in the Surgical Treatment of Spine Pain. November, 2004.
81. Blumenthal SL: Indications Complications in the Charite FDA Experience. Elevating Best Practice in Spine: New Technology in the Surgical Treatment of Spine Pain. November, 2004.
82. Blumenthal SL: Osteobiologics: A US Perspective. Elevating Best Practice in Spine: New Technology in the Surgical Treatment of Spine Pain. November, 2004.
83. McAfee PC, Cunningham BW, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Regan JJ: A Prospective Randomized FDA Study of the Charite Disc Replacement. February, 2005; Washington, D.C.
84. Blumenthal SL: X-STOP IPD Update. North American Spine Society Spring Break. April, 2005; Bal Harbour, Florida.
85. Blumenthal SL: Rationale for Lumbar Motion Preservation. North American Spine Society Spring Break. April, 2005; Bal Harbour, Florida.
86. Blumenthal SL: X-STOP IPD Interspinous Process Device. Live Instructional Non-Fusion Spine Course. May, 2005; New York, York.
87. Blumenthal SL: Charite. Texas Spine Society. April, 2005; Austin, Texas.
88. Elders GJ, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF, Sachs BL, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD: Effect of Facet Joint Arthrosis on Outcome after Artificial Disc Replacement. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2005; New York, New York.
89. Holt R, Majd M, Isaza J, Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Geisler F, Garcia R, Regan J: Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from the Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2005; New York, New York.
90. Regan JJ, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, Garcia R Jr., Maxwell JH: Evaluation of the Learning Curve Associated with Artificial Disc Replacement: Analysis from the Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2005; New York, New York.
91. Holt R, Majd M, Isaza J, Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Geisler F, Garcia R, Regan J. Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from the Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the Charite ™ Artificial Disc. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 2005; New York, New York.
92. Guyer R, Sohn J, Blumenthal S, Hochschuler S, Ohnmeiss D: Range of Motion Analysis of the Lumbar Spine after Total Disc Replacement: A Prospective Two-Year Follow-Up Study. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 2005; New York, New York.
93. Whitaker C, Hochschuler S, Ohnmeiss D, Zigler J, Guyer R, Sachs B, Blumenthal S, Rashbaum R: Return to work following total disc replacement vs. fusion: A prospective, randomized, comparison study. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 2005; New York, New York.
94. Regan JJ, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, Garcia R Jr., Maxwell JH: Evaluation of the Learning Curve Associated with Artificial Disc Replacement: Analysis from the Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2005; Banff, Alberta, Canada.
95. McAfee, PC, Geisler FH, Saidy S, Regan JJ, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Fedder I, Tortolani J, Cunningham B: Revisibility of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc Replacement— Analysis of 347 Patients Enrolled in the US IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2005; Banff, Alberta, Canada.
96. Holt RT, Majd ME, Isaza JE, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH: Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from The Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the Charite Artificial Disc. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2005; Banff, Alberta, Canada.
97. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Randomized Comparison of Total Disc Replacement to Fusion a 24 Month Follow-up FDA Regulated Study. World Spine. August, 2005; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
98. Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Garcia R Jr., Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Randomized Comparison of Total Disc Replacement to Fusion A 24-month Follow-Up FDA Regulated Study Combined with 720. EuroSpine. September, 2005; Barcelona, Spain.
99. Holt RT, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Majd ME, Guyer RD, Isaza JE, Hochschuler SH, Geisler FH, Garcia R Jr., Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD: Complications and Clinical Outcome of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from the Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. EuroSpine. September, 2005; Barcelona, Spain.
100. McAfee P, Geisler F, Regan J, Blumenthal SL, Guyer R, Fedder I, Tortolani J, Cunningham B, Saiedy S: Revisibility of the Charite Artificial Disc Replacement: Analysis of 347 Patients Enrolled in the US IDE Study of the Charite Artificial Disc. North America Spine Society. Sept-Oct, 2005; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
101. Holt RT, Majd M, Isaza J, Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Geisler F, Garcia R, Regan J: Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement vs. Fusion: Results from The Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of the Charite Artificial Disc. North America Spine Society. Sept-Oct, 2005; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
102. Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Saiedy S, Moore S, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Regan JJ: The Revisibility of the CHARITE´ Artificial Disc: Analysis of 688 Consecutive Patients from a Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter IDE Trial. Congress of Neurological Surgeons. October, 2005; Boston, Massachusetts.
103. Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Isaza J, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Garcia R, Regan JJ: Complications of Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement versus Fusion: Results from the Randomized, Multicenter Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of the CHARITE´ Artificial Disc. Congress of Neurological Surgeons. October, 2005; Boston, Massachusetts.
104. Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Total Disc Replacement. Disorders of the Spine. January, 2006; Whistler, Canada.
105. Blumenthal S: 5-year Follow-up of Patients Enrolled in the Charite Artificial Disc IDE Study. Spine Arthroplasty Summit. February, 2006; Salt Lake City, Utah.
106. Blumenthal SL: Intervertebral Disk Replacement: Perspectives on the Charité Prosthesis. Symposium: Orthopaedic Surgery 2006: At the Leading Edge. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2006; Chicago, Illinois.
107. Blumenthal SL: Total Disc Replacement. Preservation of Motion in the Spine. April, 2006; Duck Key, Florida.
108. Geisler F, Blumenthal S, Guyer R, McAfee P, Regan J: Alternative Statistical Testing Demonstrates Superiority of Lumbar Arthroplasty Clinical Outcomes at 2 Years vs. Fusion for the Treatment of One-Level Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease at L4-5 or L5-S1. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2006; Montreal, Canada.
109. Siddiqui S, Guyer R, Zigler J, Ohnmeiss D, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S: Factors Related to the 20 Best and 20 Worst 24-months Outcomes of Total Disc Replacement in Prospective FDA-regulated Trials. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2006; Montreal, Canada.
110. Lhamby J, Guyer R, Zigler J, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S, Rashbaum R, Ohnmeiss D: Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement with Spinal Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2006; Bergen, Norway.
111. McAfee, P, Geisler F, Saiedy S, Moore S, Regan J, Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Fedder I, Tortolani J, Cunningham B: Revisibility of the Charité Artificial Disc Replacement – Analysis of 688 Patients Enrolled in the US IDE Study of the Charité Artificial Disc.
International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2006; Bergen, Norway.
112. Lhamby J, Guyer R, Zigler J, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S, Rashbaum R, Ohnmeiss D: Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement with Spinal Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels. Spine Across the Sea. July, 2006; Maui, Hawaii.
113. Siddiqui S, Guyer R, Zigler J, Ohnmeiss D, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S: Factors Related to the 20 Best and 20 Worst 24-months Outcomes of Total Disc Replacement in Prospective FDA-regulated Trials. Spine Across the Sea. July, 2006; Maui, Hawaii.
114. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ: The First Year Following FDA Approval of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc: “Real World” Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. Spine Across the Sea. July, 2006; Maui, Hawaii.
115. Siddiqui S, Hochschuler SH, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Sachs BL, Rashbaum RF, Craig L: Factors Related to the 20 Best and 20 Worst 24-month Outcomes of Total Disc Replacement in Prospective FDA-regulated Trials. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
116. Blumenthal SL, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis LG, Majd ME, McAfee PC, Mullin BB, Regan JJ, Stadlan NY, Tromanhauser SG, Wong DC: Lumbar Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Interbody Fusion at One-Level: Clinical Results at 5-Year Follow-up from the IDE Study of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
117. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ: The First Year Following FDA Approval of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc: “Real World” Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
118. Siddiqui S, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Craig L, Sachs BL, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF: Factors Related to the 20 Best and 20 Worst 24-month Outcomes of Total Disc Replacement in Prospective FDA-regulated Trials. North American Spine Society. September, 2006; Seattle, Washington.
119. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, McAfee PC. One-Level Lumbar Arthroplasty in Patients 18-45 Years of Age vs. Patients 46-60 Years of Age: Is There a Difference in Clinical Outcome? North American Spine Society. September, 2006; Seattle, Washington.
120. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ: The First Year Following FDA Approval of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc: Real World Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. Spine Society of Europe (EuroSpine). October, 2006; Istanbul, Turkey.
121. Blumenthal SL: Motion Preservation and Artificial Disc Technology Charite and ProDisc Data from Multicenter IDE trials. Disorders of the Spine. January, 2007; Whistler, Canada.
122. Blumenthal S: Rationale for Arthroplasty. Controversies in Spine Surgery. February 2007; Cancun, Mexico.
123. Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Artificial Discs (panel presentation). North American Spine Society Spring Break. March, 2007; Phoenix, Arizona.
124. Blumenthal SL: Cervical Controversies (panel presentation). North American Spine Society Spring Break. March, 2007; Phoenix, Arizona.
125. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis LG, Majd ME, Mullin BB, Regan JJ, Stadlan NY, Tromanhauser SG, Wong DC, Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Interbody Fusion at One-level Clinical Results at 5-year Follow-up from the IDE Study of Charite Artificial Disc. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
126. Blumenthal SL, Geisler F, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD: Similarities and Differences in Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Two US IDE Trials for Lumbar Disc Replacement. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
127. Cunningham BW, DeMuth G, McAfee PC, Scott-Young M, Yoon K, Blumenthal S, Guyer R, Geisler F, Regan J, Conix JB, Hess R, Pimenta L, Diaz R, Fedder I, Tortolani PJ: Survivor Analysis of the Charite Artificial Disc: Review of 1,938 Patients from Eight Leading International Spine Centers. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
128. Blumenthal SL: 5 Year Outcomes of CHARITE TDR and Comparison of Charite and ProDisc-L IDE Investigations. (Precourse) Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
129. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: The Effect of Previous Surgery on Clinical Outcome Following One-level Lumbar Arthroplasty. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
130. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: Evidence for One-Level Lumbar Arthroplasty or Arthrodesis for Degenerative Disc Disease: A Comparison of Two Lumbar Arthroplasty IDE Studies with 2-year Follow-Up. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
131. Blumenthal SB, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD: Comparison of Charite vs. ProDisc for the Treatment of Single-level Symptomatic Disc Degeneration: Prospective Data from One Center. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2007; Hong Kong, China.
132. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Devices. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2007; Paradise, Bahamas.
133. Bosita RV, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Buckley R, Cappuccino A, Demakas JJ, Garden MS, Geisler F, Jenis LG, Laich DT, Lazar RD, Puccio ST, Thalgott J, Tromanhauser SG. Performance and Safety of the STALIF Device for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2007; Paradise, Bahamas.
134. Cunningham BW, Demuth G, McAfee PC, Scott-Young M, Yoon, KJ, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, MD, Geisler F, Regan JJ, Conix B, Hes R, Pimenta L, Diaz R, Fedder RL, Tortolani J. Survivorship Analysis of the CHARITE Artificial Disc: Review of 1,938 Patients from Eight Leading International Spine Centers. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2007; Paradise, Bahamas.
135. McAfee PC, Cunningham BW, Geisler F, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, MD, Cappuccino A, Regan JJ: A Comparison of In Vivo and In Vitro Range of Motion Distribution Following One-Level Lumbar Arthroplasty —2 to 5 year Radiographic Follow-up of 375 Consecutive Patients Enrolled in the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc FDA Level I Pivotal Trial. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2007; Paradise, Bahamas.
136. Guyer RD, Lhamby J, Ohnmeiss DD, Zigler J, Blumenthal S: Total Disc Replacement and Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels in The Same Patient. World Spine. July, 2007; Istanbul, Turkey.
137. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD, Sachs BL, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF: Comparison of Charite Vs. ProDisc for the Treatment of Single-level Symptomatic Disc Degeneration: Prospective Data from One Center. Spine Society of Europe. October, 2007; Brussels, Belgium.
138. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis LG, Majd ME, Mullin BB, Regan JJ, Stadlan NY, Tromanhauser SG, Wong DC, Blumenthal SL: Lumbar Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Interbody Fusion at One-level Clinical Results at 5-year Follow-up from the IDE Study of Charite Artificial Disc. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
139. Cunningham BW, Demuth G, McAfee PC, Scott-Young M, Yoon, KJ, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, MD, Geisler F, Regan JJ, Conix B, Hes R, Pimenta L, Diaz R, Fedder RL, Tortolani J. Survivorship Analysis of the CHARITE Artificial Disc: Review of 1,938 Patients from Eight Leading International Spine Centers. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
140. Blumenthal S, Roush T, Guyer R, Ohnmeiss D: Analysis of Hybrid (Total Disc Replacement / Fusion Constructs) in the Lumbar Spine: A Comparison with Two-Level Total Disc Replacement. Asia Pacific Spine Arthroplasty Society. January, 2008; Seoul, South Korea.
141. Guyer R, Cappuccino A, Blumenthal S: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacements. Asia Pacific Spine Arthroplasty Society. January, 2008; Seoul, South Korea.
142. Blumenthal SL: Surgical Treatments for Single-Level L5-S1 DDD: TDR vs. Fusion. Asia Pacific Spine Arthroplasty Society. January, 2008; Seoul, South Korea.
143. Blumenthal SL: Total Disc Arthroplasty Update. Neuroscience Lecture Series. February, 2008; Plano, Texas.
144. McAfee PC, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Holt RT, Majd ME, Geisler FH, Banco RJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of Charité™ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-Year Follow-up of Prior Surgery on Clinical Outcomes following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
145. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Blumenthal SL, Regan JJ, Geisler FH, Banco RJ, Jenis L, Wong D, Capuccino A, Tromanhauser SG, Bitan F, Stadlan N: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the Charité™ Artificial Disc Versus Lumbar Fusion 5-Year Follow-up. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
146. Banco RJ, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Hetzell B, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Age on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
147. Regan JJ, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Jenis LG, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Hetzell B: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the CharitéTM Artificial Disc versus Lumbar Fusion: Comparison of the Clinical Outcome of Patients Implanted at L4-L5 vs. L5-S1. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
148. Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Surgery on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
149. Guyer, RD, Cappuccino A, Blumenthal SL: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacements. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
150. Geisler FH, Banco R, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan JJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Discectomy on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
151. McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of Charite Artificial Disc Vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-Year Follow-up of Prior Surgery on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Eurospine. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
152. Guyer RD, Lauryssen C, Blumenthal SL: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Cervical Total Disc Replacement to Anterior Cervical Fusion. North American Spine Society SpineWeek. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
153. Guyer RD, Cappuccino A, Blumenthal SL: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacements. North American Spine Society SpineWeek. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
154. Li B, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD: Does Pre-Operative Disc Height Affect Outcome of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement? International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
155. Guyer RD, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan JJ, Wong DC, Jenis LG, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, DeMuth GE, Hetzell BC: The Impact of Postoperative Disc Height Following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – A 5-Year Follow-up Study. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
156. Regan JJ, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Jenis LG, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Hetzell B: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Comparison of the Clinical Outcome of Patients Implanted at L4-L5 vs. L5-S1. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
157. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis LG, Majd ME, Regan JJ, Stadlan NY, Tromanhauser SG, Wong DC, Blumenthal SL: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter, Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the Charite Artificial Disc versus Lumbar Fusion – 5 Year Follow-up. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
158. McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Surgery on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
159. Geisler FH, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan
JJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Discectomy on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
160. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Total Disc Replacement Outcomes When Applying MCID (Minimal Clinically Important Difference) Criteria. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
161. Majd ME, Holt RT, Guyer RD, Banco RJ, Geisler FH, Jenis LG, Regan JJ, Wong DC, Blumenthal SL: Two- and Five-year Lumbar Index-level Motion Following Arthroplasty: Impact of Heterotopic Ossification. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
162. Guyer RD, Cappucino A, Blumenthal S: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacements. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
163. Guyer RD, Geisler F, Majd M, Holt RT, Regan J, Blumenthal S, Wong D, Jenis L, Banco
R: The Impact of Preoperative DEXA Scores Following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – a 5-Year Follow-up Study. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
164. Blumenthal SL: Why Preserving Motion? Brussels International Spine Symposium. November, 2008; Brussels, Belgium.
165. Blumenthal SL: Fusion Topping. Brussels International Spine Symposium. November, 2008; Brussels, Belgium.
166. Blumenthal SL: Charite Total Disc Replacement. Preservation of Motion in the Spine. April, 2009; Duck Key, Florida.
167. Blumenthal SL: Complications. Preservation of Motion in the Spine. April, 2009; Duck Key, Florida.
168. Zigler JE, Parkinson A, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD: Re-operations in Lumbar Total Disc Replacement: Experience with Our First Consecutive 800 Cases. Spine Arthroplasty Society. April-May, 2009; London, England.
169. Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE: Impact of Adverse Events on Outcome in Cervical Total Disc Replacement Trials. Spine Arthroplasty Society. April-May, 2009; London, England.
170. Guyer RD, Cappuccino A, Blumenthal SL: 24-month Follow-up of a Prospective Randomized Comparison of Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacements. Spine Arthroplasty Society. April-May, 2009; London, England.
171. Wong DC, Jenis LG, Guyer RD, Banco RJ, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, DeMuth GE, Hetzell BC: Is Preoperative Disc Height a Contributing Factor in 5-year Success Rate with Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty? Spine Arthroplasty Society. April-May, 2009; London, England.
172. Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE: Impact of Adverse Events on Outcome in Cervical Total Disc Replacement Trials. Spine Arthroplasty Society. April-May, 2009; London, England.
1. Blumenthal SL, Roach J, Herring JA: Lumbar Scheuermann’s: A Clinical Series and Classification. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May-June, 1986; Dallas, Texas.
2. Bone Mineral Content of the Lumbar Spine and Its Relationship to the Rate of Posterior Spinal Fusion. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 1987; Rome, Italy.
3. Focal Myositis: An Unusual Presentation of Lumbar Disc Disease. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 1987; Rome, Italy.
4. Bone Mineral Content of the Lumbar Spine and Its Relationship to the Rate of Posterior Spinal Fusion. North American Spine Society. June, 1987; Banff, Alberta.
5. Focal Myositis: An Unusual Presentation of Lumbar Disc Disease. North American Spine Society. June, 1987; Banff, Alberta.
6. Blumenthal SL, Gill K: Complications of Wiltse Pedicle Fixation. SRS/NASS Advanced Pedicle Fixation course. March, 1990; Dallas, Texas.
7. The Effects of Cold Therapy to Pain Parameters in Lumbar Surgical Patients. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. April, 1988; Bal Harbour, Florida.
8. Multi-Level Lumbar Spine Fractures. American Spinal Injury Association. May, 1988; San Diego, California.
9. Blumenthal SL, Gill K, Henderson R, Selby D: The Early Complications of the Wiltse Pedicular Instrumentation System. North American Spine Society. June, 1989; Quebec City, Canada.
10. Blumenthal SL, Gill K, Henderson R, Selby D: The Early Complications of the Wiltse Pedicular Instrumentation System. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 1989; Kyoto, Japan.
11. Tepper G, Witlse LL, DiMartino P, Peek RD, Ravessoud FA, Blumenthal SL: A Comparison of Lumbar Prevertebral Vascular Anatomy in Patients with and Without Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae (LSTV). North American Spine Society. July, 1992; Boston, Massachusetts.
12. Jarolem K, Ohnmeiss DD, Fulp T, Blumenthal SL: Unilateral PLIF/PLF Supplemented with Unilateral Fixation. Schriners Fellow Conference. November, 1995; New Orleans, Louisiana.
13. Jarolem K, Ohnmeiss DD, Fulp T, Blumenthal SL: Results of Combined Posterior Interbody Fusion with Unilateral Posterolateral Fusion Supplemented with Unilateral Fixation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 1996; Burlington, Vermont.
14. Araghi A, Guyer RD, Fulp RT, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Regan JJ, Shelokov AP, Rashbaum RF: Use of Morphine Paste for Pain Control in Lumbar Laminectomies. Spine + Science + Management; November, 1996; New Orleans, Louisiana.
15. Regan JJ, Mack M, Aronoff RJ, Guyer, RD, Blumenthal, SL, Ahrens JE, Ohnmeiss DD: Development of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Spine Surgery. (Scientific Exhibit) at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February, 1997; San Francisco, California.
16. Araghi A, Guyer RD, Fulp RT, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Regan JJ, Shelokov AP, Zigler JE, Rashbaum RF: Use of Morphine Paste for Pain Control in Lumbar Laminectomies. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 1997; Singapore.
17. Hyde J, Ohnmeiss DD, Rinn C, Guyer RD, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Regan JJ, Fulp T: Anterior Cervical Fusion: Factors Related to Outcome. Spine + Science + Management; November, 1997; New Orleans, Louisiana.
18. Massoud B, Ohnmeiss DD, Rinn C, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Regan JJ, Fulp T: Results of Hardware Removal in the Lumbar Spine and the Role of Diagnostic Hardware Injection. Spine + Science + Management; November, 1997; New Orleans, Louisiana.
19. Massoud B, Ohnmeiss DD, Rinn C, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Regan JJ, Fulp T: Results of Hardware Removal in the Lumbar Spine and the Role of Diagnostic Hardware Injection. North American Spine Society. October, 1998; San Francisco, California.
20. Blumenthal SL, Simpson N, Boehler S, Ohnmeiss DD, Risk DE: Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using Threaded Fusion Cages. North American Spine Society. October, 1998; San Francisco, California.
21. Blumenthal SL, Simpson NS, Ohnmeiss DD, Risk DE, Boehler S, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Fulp T, Hochschuler SH: Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Threaded Fusion Cages. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 1999; Kona, Hawaii.
22. Blumenthal SL, Regan JJ, Hisey MS, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE: Can Threaded Fusion Cages Be Used Effectively As Stand-Alone Devices? North American Spine Society. October, 1999; Chicago, Illinois.
23. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Threaded Fusion Cage Subsidence. North American Spine Society. October, 1999; Chicago, Illinois.
24. Blumenthal SL, Hisey MS, Ohnmeiss DD, Regan JJ, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE: Can Threaded Fusion Cages Be Used Effectively as Stand-Alone Devices? International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. April, 2000; Adelaide, Australia.
25. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Threaded Fusion Cage Subsidence. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. April, 2000; Adelaide, Australia.
26. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE: Can Foraminal Height be Increased and Maintained with Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using Cages? International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. April, 2000; Adelaide, Australia.
27. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE: Can Foraminal Height be Increased and Maintained with Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using Cages? Spine Across the Sea. July, 2000; Kona, Hawaii.
28. Blumenthal SL, Hisey MS, Ohnmeiss DD, Regan JJ, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE: Can Threaded Fusion Cages Be Used Effectively as Stand-Alone Devices? Spine Across the Sea. July, 2000; Kona, Hawaii.
29. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Threaded Fusion Cage Subsidence. Spine Across the Sea. July, 2000; Kona, Hawaii.
30. Burton DC, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Rashbaum RF, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Regan JJ: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion with Allograft Bone and Plate Fixation. North American Spine Society. October, 2000; New Orleans, Louisiana.
31. Regan JJ, Ohnmeiss DD, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Comparison of Laparoscopic to Mini-open Fusion at the L4-5 Level. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2001; Edinburgh, Scotland.
32. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Fedder I, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Evaluation of the SB Charité III Disc Prosthesis. North American Spine Society. November, 2001; Seattle, Washington.
33. Tran V, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Chang Y, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH, Hisey MS: Analysis of Re-Operations When Using Cages as Stand-Alone Devices: Minimum Three Year Follow-Up Study. Spine + Science + Management; November, 2001; New Orleans, Louisiana.
34. Henry S, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Chang Y, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Outcome of Anterior Cervical Fusion for Discographically Proven Pain. Spine + Science + Management. November, 2001; New Orleans, Louisiana.
35. Tran V, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Chang Y, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH, Hisey MS, Rashbaum RF: Analysis of Re-Operations When Using Cages as Stand-Alone Devices: Minimum Three Year Follow-Up Study. Meeting of the Americas. April, 2002; New York, New York.
36. Henry S, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Chang Y, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Outcome of Anterior Cervical Fusion For Discographically Proven Pain. American Spinal Injury Association and the IMSOP joint conference. May, 2002; Vancouver, Canada.
37. Tran V, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Chang Y, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Hochschuler SH, Hisey MS, Rashbaum RF: Analysis of Re-Operations When Using Cages as Stand-Alone Devices: Minimum Three Year Follow-Up Study. American Spinal Injury Association and the IMSOP joint conference. May, 2002; Vancouver, Canada.
38. Henry S, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Chang Y, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Outcome of Anterior Cervical Fusion For Discographically Proven Pain. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February, 2003; New Orleans, Louisiana.
39. Ohnmeiss DD, Hochschuler SH, Guyer RD, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Sleep Disturbances in Back Pain Patients. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 2003; Vancouver, Canada
40. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: Prospective Outcome Evaluation of a Total Disc Replacement. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May, 2003; Vancouver, Canada.
41. Guyer RD, Henry S, Ohnmeiss DD, Zigler JE, Chang Y, Rashbaum RF, Blumenthal SL: Outcome of Anterior Cervical Fusion for Cervical Discogenic Pain with Confirmatory Discography. Cervical Spine Research Society. December, 2003; Scottsdale, Arizona.
42. Hochschuler SH, Whitaker C, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Sachs BL, Blumenthal SL, Rashbaum RF, Ohnmeiss DD: Comparison of Return to Work Following Total Disc Arthroplasty vs. Fusion: A Prospective, Randomized Study. Spinal Arthroplasty Society. May, 2004; Vienna, Austria.
43. Gottlieb J, Sachs B, Guyer R, Zigler J, Rashbaum R, Hochschuler S, Blumenthal S, Ohnmeiss D: Comparison of Complications Associated with Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement versus Fusion at 2 Year Follow-up. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2004; Porto, Portugal.
44. Blumenthal S, McAfee P, Guyer R, Hochschuler S, Garcia R, Regan J, Ohnmeiss D: Randomized Controlled Trial of the Charité Artificial Disc vs. Fusion for Single-Level Degenerative Disc Disease: A Two-Year Follow-up Study. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2004; Porto, Portugal.
45. Regan J, McAfee PC, Guyer RD, Blumenthal S, Geisler F: Charite Artificial Disc Replacement Evaluation of the Learning Curve and Complications in a Multicenter Prospective Randomized Controlled FDA IDE Trial. North American Spine Society. October, 2004; Chicago, Illinois.
46. Lhamby J, Guyer R, Zigler J, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S, Rashbaum R, Ohnmeiss D: Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement with Spinal Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2006; Montreal, Canada.
47. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Change in Outcome Measures at Various Follow-Up Periods: Data from a Prospective Trial. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2006; Montreal, Canada.
48. Siddiqui S, Guyer R, Zigler J, Ohnmeiss D, Blumenthal S, Sachs B, Hochschuler S, Rashbaum R: Factors Related to the 20 Best and 20 Worst 24-month Outcomes of Total Disc Replacement in Prospective Trials. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2006; Bergen, Norway.
49. Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Geisler R, McAfee P, J Regan J: The First Year Following FDA Approval of the Charite Artificial Disc: “Real World” Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2006; Bergen, Norway.
50. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, McAfee PC: One-Level Lumbar Arthroplasty in Patients 18-45 Years of Age vs. Patients 46-60 Years of Age: Is There a Difference in Clinical Outcome? International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
51. Blumenthal SL, Ohnmeiss DD, Lhamby JL, Hochschuler SH, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Sachs BL, Rashbaum RF: Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement with Spinal Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
52. Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Results of Two-Level Total Disc Replacement Using CHARITÉ Artificial Disc. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
53. Ohnmeiss DD, Hochschuler SH, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Analysis of Change in Outcome Measures at Various Follow-Up Periods: Data from a Prospective Trial. International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
54. McAfee PC, Geisler FH, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Regan J, Stadlan N, Dabbah M, Siddiqui F, Hayes V, Ohnmeiss DD: Predicted 5-year Survivorship of the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Kaplan-Meyer Analysis.
International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST). July, 2006; Athens, Greece.
55. Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Geisler FH, McAfee PC, Regan JJ. The First Year Following FDA Approval of the Charité Artificial Disc: “Real World” Adverse Events Outside an IDE Study Environment. North American Spine Society. September, 2006; Seattle, Washington.
56. Guyer RD, Banco RJ, Bitan FD, Blumenthal SL, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Holt RT, Jenis, MD, Majd ME, McAfee PC, Mullin BB, Regan JJ, Stadlan N, Tromanhauser SG, Wong D. Lumbar Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Interbody Fusion at One-Level: Clinical Results at 5-Year Follow-Up from the IDE Study of the Charité Artificial Disc. North American Spine Society. September, 2006; Seattle, Washington.
57. Lhamby J, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Ohnmeiss DD, Sachs BL, Hochschuler SH, Rashbaum RF. Patients Undergoing Total Disc Replacement with Spinal Fusion at Different Lumbar Levels. North American Spine Society. September, 2006; Seattle, Washington.
58. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: Patient Selection for Lumbar Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis: The Crossover Effect in a Controlled, Multi-Center, Randomized Study. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. April, 2007; Washington, D.C.
59. Blumenthal SB, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD: Comparison of Charite vs. ProDisc for the Treatment of Single-level Symptomatic Disc Degeneration: Prospective Data from One Center. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
60. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Devices. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
61. Rohan MX, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Sachs BL, Rashbaum RF: Relationship between the Length of Time Off Work Pre-operatively and Clinical Outcome at 24-month Follow-up. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
62. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, McAfee PC: The Effect of Age on Outcomes in Patients with One-level Arthroplasty. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
63. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, McAfee PC, Cappuccino A, Bitan F, Regan JJ: Patient Selection for Lumbar Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis: The Crossover Effect in a Controlled, Multi-Center, Randomized Study. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
64. McAfee PC, Cunningham B, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, Cappuccino A: Correlation of the Global Range of Motion (L3 to S1) between In Vitro Bench Top ROM and Clinical ROM from the Charite Artificial Disc FDA Level I Data. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
65. Lorenz M, Zindrick M, Radebaugh M, Blumenthal SL: Novel Artificial Cervical Disc Arthroplasty – Chronic Sheep Study, Six-Month Results. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2007; Berlin, Germany.
66. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Devices. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2007; Hong Kong, China.
67. Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD: Similarities and Differences in Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Two US IDE Trials for Lumbar Disc Replacement. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. June, 2007; Hong Kong, China.
68. Rohan MX, Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Zigler JE, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Sachs BL, Rashbaum RF: Relationship between the Length of Time Off Work Pre-operatively and Clinical Outcome at 24-month Follow-up. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
69. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Two Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Devices. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
70. Ohnmeiss D, Guyer R, Blumenthal S, Hochschuler S: Analysis Of Total Disc Replacement Data With Respect To Published MCID (Minimal Clinically Important Difference) Values. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
71. McAfee PC, Cunningham BW, Geisler F, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Cappuccino A, Regan JJ: A Comparison of In Vivo and In Vitro Range of Motion Distribution Following One-Level Lumbar Arthroplasty —2 to 5 year Radiographic Follow up of 375 Consecutive Patients Enrolled in the CHARITÉ Artificial Disc FDA Level I Pivotal Trial. North American Spine Society. October, 2007; Austin, Texas.
72. Guyer R, Lauryssen C, Blumenthal S: Cervical Total Disc Replacement: A Prospective Randomized Comparison to Fusion. Asia Pacific Spine Arthroplasty Society. January, 2008; Seoul, South Korea.
73. Geisler FH, Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, Majd ME, Holt RT, Banco RJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Discectomy on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
74. Regan JJ, Geisler FH, Majd ME, Blumenthal SL, Holt RT, Jenis LG, Banco RJ: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ™ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Comparison of the Clinical Outcome of Patients Implanted at L4-L5 vs. L5-S1. Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. February, 2008; Orlando, Florida.
75. Guyer RD, Lauryssen C, Blumenthal SL: A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Cervical Total Disc Replacement to Fusion. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
76. Ohnmeiss DD, Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Total Disc Replacement Outcomes When Applying MCID (Minimal Clinically Important Difference) Criteria. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
77. Roush TF, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Ohnmeiss DD: Analysis of Hybrid (Total Disc Replacement / Fusion Constructs) in the Lumbar Spine: A Comparison with Two-Level Total Disc Replacement. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
78. Blumenthal SL, Bitan FD, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, McAfee PC: A New Registry for the Advancement of Arthroplasty: The Center for Arthroplasty Research and Education (CARES). Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
79. McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Geisler FH, Guyer RD, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Effect at 5-year Follow-up of Prior Surgery on Clinical Outcomes Following Lumbar Arthroplasty. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
80. Regan JJ, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Jenis LG, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Hetzell B: Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter FDA IDE Study of CHARITÉ Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Comparison of the Clinical Outcome of Patients Implanted at L4-L5 vs. L5-S1. Spine Arthroplasty Society. May, 2008; Miami, Florida.
81. Blumenthal SL, Arnold P, Rhyne A, Wang J, Kim K: Oxiplex Reduces the Incidence of Back Pain, Leg Pain, and Associated Symptoms 6 Months Following Single-level Lower Lumbar Surgery for Removal of A Herniated Disc. North American Spine Society SpineWeek. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
82. Guyer RD, McAfee PC, Banco RJ, Bitan F, Cappuccino A, Geisler FH, Hochschuler SH, Jenis LG, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL: Prospective, Randomized, Multi-center Food and Drug Administration Investigational Device Exemption Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement with the Charite Artificial Disc versus Lumbar Fusion. Eurospine. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
83. Ohnmeiss DD, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD, Hochschuler SH: Analysis of Total Disc Replacement Outcomes When Applying MCID (Minimal Clinically Important Difference) Criteria. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. May 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
84. Ohnmeiss DD, Roush TF, Blumenthal SL, Guyer RD: Analysis of Hybrid (Total Disc Replacement/Fusion Constructs) in the Lumbar Spine: A Comparison with Two-level Total Disc Replacement. North American Spine Society SpineWeek. May 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
85. Regan JJ, Banco RJ, Blumenthal SL, Jenis LG, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME: Prospective, Randomized, Multi-center FDA IDE Study of Charite Artificial Disc vs. Lumbar Fusion: Comparison of the Clinical Outcome of Patients Implanted at L4-5 vs. L5-S1. Eurospine. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
86. Blumenthal SL, Arnold P, Rhyne A, Wang J, Kim K: Oxiplex Reduces the Incidence of Back Pain, Leg Pain, and Associated Symptoms 6 Months Following Single-level Lower Lumbar Surgery for Removal of A Herniated Disc. North American Spine Society SpineWeek. May, 2008; Geneva, Switzerland.
87. Wong DC, Jenis LG MD, Guyer RD, Banco RJ, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, DeMuth GE, Hetzell BC: Is Preoperative Disc Height a Contributing Factor in 5-year Success Rate with Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty? International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
88. Guyer RD, Geisler FH, Majd ME, Holt RT, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, Wong DC, Jenis LG, Banco RJ: The Impact of Preoperative DEXA Scores Following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – A 5-Year Follow-up Study. International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques (IMAST). July, 2008; Hong Kong, China.
89. Blumenthal S, Zigler J, Guyer R, Waldrip A, Ohnmeiss D: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Cervical Disc Replacement and Anterior Cervical Fusion. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
90. Majd M, Holt R, Guyer RD, Banco R, Geisler F, Jenis L, Regan J, Wong D, Blumenthal S: Two- and Five-year Lumbar Index-level Motion Following Arthroplasty: Impact of Heterotopic Ossification. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
91. Guyer RD, Geisler F, Holt RT, Majd M, Regan J, Wong D, Jenis L, Banco R, Blumenthal S, Demuth G, Hetzell B: The Impact of Postoperative Disc Height following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – a 5-Year Follow-up Study. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
92. Guyer RD, Lauryssen C, Blumenthal S: Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Cervical Total Disc Replacement to Anterior Cervical Fusion. North American Spine Society. October, 2008; Toronto, Canada.
93. Guyer RD, Blumenthal SL, Zigler JE, Waldrip AM, Ohnmeiss DD: A Prospective Randomized Comparison of Cervical Disc Replacement and Anterior Cervical Fusion. Cervical Spine Research Society. December, 2008; Austin, Texas.
94. Guyer RD, Lauryssen C, Blumenthal SL: Cervical Total Disc Replacement: A Prospective, Randomized Comparison to Anterior Cervical Fusion. Cervical Spine Research Society. December, 2008; Austin, Texas.
95. Majd M, Holt R, Guyer RD, Banco R, Geisler F, Jenis L, Regan J, Wong D, Blumenthal S: Two- and Five-year Lumbar Index-level Motion Following Arthroplasty: Impact of Heterotopic Ossification. American Association of Neurological Surgeons / Congress of Neurological Surgeons. March, 2009; Phoenix, Arizona.
96. Wong DC, Jenis LG, Guyer RD, Banco RJ, Geisler FH, Holt RT, Majd ME, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, DeMuth GE, Hetzell BC: Is Preoperative Disc Height a Contributing Factor in 5-year Success Rate with Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty? American Association of Neurological Surgeons / Congress of Neurological Surgeons. March, 2009; Phoenix, Arizona.
97. Guyer RD, Geisler FH, Majd ME, Holt RT, Regan JJ, Blumenthal SL, Wong DC, Jenis LG, Banco RJ: The Impact of Preoperative DEXA Scores Following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – a 5-Year Follow-up Study. American Association of Neurological Surgeons / Congress of Neurological Surgeons. March, 2009; Phoenix, Arizona.
98. Guyer RD, Geisler F, Holt RT, Majd M, Regan J, Wong D, Jenis L, Banco R, Blumenthal S, Demuth G, Hetzell B: The Impact of Postoperative Disc Height following Arthroplasty on Long-term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes – a 5-Year Follow-up Study. American Association of Neurological Surgeons / Congress of Neurological Surgeons. March, 2009; Phoenix, Arizona.