Update: Ethiopia Spine Surgery Mission Trip 2014

An Update from Dr. Ted Belanger’s Spine Surgery Mission Trip to Ethiopia:
written by Toni Belanger

It has been three more days and 4 more big surgeries….. 

15 yr old male T4-L Thoracic Fusion with thoracoplasty.
13 yr old female T3-T12 Thoracic Fusion with thoracoplasty and concave rib osteotomies
15 yr old female T4-L3 Thoracic Fusion with thoracoplasty and concave rib osteotomies
23 yr old male T4-L1 Thoracic Fusion with thoracoplasty and concave rib osteotomies

All of Ted’s surgery assistants are leaving over the next few days, and another doctor will come to help in surgery on Saturday.  I have had the chance to work with the patient’s at all levels.  They have no nursing staff, for services like obtaining labs, physical therapy, emptying drains and medication management. The rooms often have up to 5 children in one room.  Many times the families of the children are in the room with them.  We often forget how fortunate we are in the United States.  There is so much to do here.  Between surgery, and rounding, the time requirement is 10-12 hours a day.  The dedication of the medical team and their desire to help touches my heart.  Although the rooms are small, and crowded, sometimes the kids don’t want to go home because of the conditions in their home.  They often sleep on dirt floors, and have unclean living conditions.  This has really opened my eyes as to how the other side of the world lives. I’ve cried several times……. so far!

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