How To Check For Scoliosis At Home

Dr. Isador Lieberman, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon at Texas Back Institute talks about scoliosis and how to determine if you have scoliosis.

Definition: Scoliosis is a sideways bend and rotation of the spine. Scoliosis can progress in children or teenagers as they grow, or in adults can progress from age related degeneration of the spine.

Those with a progressive scoliosis will notice an apparent loss in height or change in their body shape. Rarely will patients feel pain from the spine or degeneration.

How to measure a possible loss in height: Measure your arm span from the tips of your middle fingers, and compare that to your current height. If there is a difference, this could indicate a loss in height.

Other notable symptoms include:

  • One shoulder elevated from the other
  • Some Ribs are more prominent than others
  • One hip more prominent than other

Many people with progressive scoliosis will appear to be balanced, but if you notice your balance (left to right, or front to back) you may have a progressive scoliosis and should seek advice from a scoliosis specialist.

Contact us today for your appointment. Call 972-608-5100

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