
Revolutionizing Spine Care…Changing Lives

Uganda Mission – photo update

Hi Spine Place friends! 

Well Dr. Lieberman is back at work this week in Plano after his two-week spine mission trip to Uganda.  This is the 5th year that Dr. Lieberman has been to Uganda and it’s amazing to see the impact he has out there. 

Here are the first batch of pictures that have been uploaded so far. 

Does that say Fusion Izzy kid’s? 

Dr. Lieberman said that he was walking down the street and this little girl came up to him and was hanging onto his leg.  It wasn’t until she let go that they read her shirt.  We have no idea where the shirt came from but that’s pretty amazing that Dr. Lieberman is being recognized in the streets of Uganda!

Here are some of our favorite pictures!

This amazing bird colony.  How do you think they know which nest is theirs?


This is Kampala. 

When I saw this picture I honestly thought it was fake.  Look how small the moon is.  Amazing!

And last, but certainly not least…..

Doesn’t that make you feel like going on vacation?  It’s just breathtaking!

Have you been on any trips lately?  Tell us about yours!

If you would like to see more pictures you can go to


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