
Revolutionizing Spine Care…Changing Lives

Uganda Mission

July 25, 2024 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2024 – Daily Updates: Days 6-7

Day 6: Starting with a workout and breakfast, we prepared for the full day ahead. Hannah gave a lecture on neuromonitoring emphasized its role in reducing post-op complications. Hannah spoke of the value of real-time feedback on the functionality of the nervous system mid-operation. Hannah also took a playful jab…

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July 17, 2024 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2024 – Daily Updates: Days 4-5

Day 4: Our first day of surgeries in Uganda was a lesson in adaptability. Despite an 8 am start, our team faced numerous uncertainties. We had to determine our operating room locations, staffing, and whether basic amenities like running water were available. After extensive discussions with the Ugandan team, we…

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July 2, 2024 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2024 – Daily Updates: Day 1-3

Day 1: After months of meticulous planning and packing, the day had finally arrived for our team to head to Uganda. Part of our team, including spine surgeons Dr. Isador Lieberman, Dr. Michael Hisey, spine fellow Dr. Kalin Fisher, and general surgeon/research associate Dr. Stanley Kisinde from Texas Back Institute…

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September 13, 2019 | Texas Back Institute

Uganda Spine Mission

Uganda Spine Mission Day 5 By Erin Sadler Day 5 – Finding Our Stride Today was another day of surgery at both Mulago and Case Hospitals. The team at Mulago came up with a strategy the previous evening to try to circumvent the resistance of the Mulago staff from doing two cases in one day….

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September 13, 2019 | Texas Back Institute

Uganda Mission Days 6-8

DAYS 6-8 – Friday-Sunday August 18-20: At the end of this long week, these three mystical days seemed to blend together into one. On the spinal side of things, the mission team split up so some could stay for the surgery on I.K., a 64 years-young female patient who was…

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September 13, 2019 | Texas Back Institute

Uganda Mission Day 3

Day 3- August 16th The morning began with a trip to the warehouse where tens of thousands of dollars of medical supplies were waiting for us. VeAhavta, a humanitarian organization based out of Toronto, organized and delivered a 40-foot container also containing 200 Kinder Kits, bags of school supplies for our spine…

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August 23, 2019 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2019 – Day 14

4, 3, 2, 1 August 22, 2019 Day 14   Wake-up, work-out, eat-up. That’s how our morning went again today! The only deviation was the delayed arrival of the coffee, much to everyone’s dismay. We practiced our adaptability today, like all the other days. When we arrived at the hospital…

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August 23, 2019 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2019 – Day 13

Go Fish August 21, 2019 Day 13   This morning was running for some, sleeping for others, and breakfast for all. No over-sleepers like yesterday (*cough* Dr. Gorlick *cough*)! We loaded the bus shortly after 7:00am and headed to the hospital. Dr. Lieberman went immediately over to the medical school…

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August 23, 2019 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2019 – Day 12

The Man with the Anesthesia has Gone August 20, 2019 Day 12   Last week, Dr. Kayanja told us about a book written by a Ugandan physician entitled, “The Man with the Key has Gone.” In it, he describes some of the barriers to healthcare delivery in the country. One…

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August 22, 2019 | Phillip Slaughter

Uganda Spine Surgery Mission 2019 Day 11

It’s Go Time… Again! August 19, 2019 Day 11   This morning started with a 5:15am wake-up call for those that wanted to do some Pilates led by Dr. Lieberman. Or some extra sleep for the others. We all met up for a good breakfast at 6:30 before heading out…

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