
Revolutionizing Spine Care…Changing Lives

Why Air Travel Can be Hazardous to Your Health

Anyone who spends a lot of time on an airplane has a clear understanding of the concept of misery. Except for those lucky travelers who are in “first class,” the other 200 or so people spend the duration of the flight cramped, with little leg room, closely seated next to other passengers who are often grouchy due to their own lack of space!

Long flights can also be dangerous to one’s health because the tight quarters can lead to muscle cramps and, in rare situations, serious problems. According to WebMD, it’s not really a healthy environment. Leslie Kaminoff, a yoga therapist and breathing specialist in New York pointed out that the pressure in an airplane cabin at cruising altitude may make passengers feel like they are at about 8,000 feet – as though they were high up in the mountains.

“Just sitting and breathing in that environment is a challenge to the system,” Kaminoff says. “People don’t realize they’re at 8,000 feet of pressure and breathing is more labored. In the cabin, there’s less available oxygen in the air. This puts an added load on the system, which is trying to get the required amount of oxygen into the bloodstream.” Another factor which may disturb breathing is the air’s diminished humidity, which is generally below 25%, in contrast to a comfortable home environment where the humidity level is at about 35%.

The online source notes another risk during air travel: developing leg clots or deep vein thrombosis. It’s also known as “economy-class syndrome” — a condition often brought about during long flights. Periods of immobility increase the risk of this condition because sitting and legroom are cramped.

“You want to create a situation where your legs are moving and the muscles are contracting,” says Kaminoff. “The deep veins in your legs have one-way valves, where blood can only move toward the heart. The only thing that gets that venous blood from the lower body back up to the heart is muscle contraction.”


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The Road Warrior Spine Surgeon

Dr. Hisey #2

Dr. Michael Hisey is a spine surgeon at Texas Back Institute and his work in the field makes him a highly-sought-after speaker for medical conventions all over the world. Because of this, Dr. Hisey has become somewhat of a “road warrior” and as such, is the ideal source for offering tips on avoiding the back pain which can result from hours and hours on an airplane.

He has also had some quirky experiences that can only happen to a doctor on a plane.

“Recently, I’ve had some long trips to Uganda and China,” he said. “I’ve also got a trip coming up to Singapore.

“Since the crew knows I’m a doctor, I get called on when there is any type of medical ‘emergency.’ One instance involved a Chinese General Surgeon who was up in first class and had a little too much to drink. He was really OK, just over-served. There was another time when a lady who was waiting in line for the restroom passed out in my lap,” he chuckled. “There are some medical issues, but mainly it has involved more minor situations on planes.”

New Products for Air Travel

There are several start-up companies which are targeting the frequent flyers like Dr. Hisey with new products that offer an alternative to the old standby of leaning back in one’s seat and hoping for the best. Has he tried any of these new products?

“I have used the neck pillows,” he said. “That’s about it. I’ve heard of some of these new products and would like to try them out. I’ve also had the occasional fluffy seatmate who leans on me and I just use them for a pillow! They’re usually very friendly!

There’s a new product which has recently started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a self-inflating pillow. This is then placed on the tray in front of the passenger and allows him to lean forward and take a nap. Does this leaning forward approach seem like a good idea or a bad idea for back health?

“I think that it’s probably comfortable,” Dr. Hisey noted. “It’s going to put you in a forward-flex posture, but that’s not as bad as tilting your neck to the side or leaning back in a seat that doesn’t recline enough. I think the forward-leaning pillow might be quite comfortable.”

“That’s actually how my son sleeps on a plane. He’ll lay his face right on his lap. The only problem occurs when the person in front of him puts his seat back. Then he’s pinned!”

Tips on Air Travel to Avoid Back Pain

“You have to take advantage of the little space you do have and keep yourself moving,” he said. “Don’t just get stuck in one place. Don’t let yourself get blood-clots, which is the worst thing that could happen on a plane.

“I will rotate my shoulders regularly while in flight. Even if my rear end is still, I try to keep my back stretched out. I will keep my legs moving with my calves pumping up and down. I will also change the position of my feet frequently. All of these things can help. They will help you feel refreshed when you get off the plane.

“In most planes, the air is very dry,” he said. “So keeping yourself hydrated is important. There are a few planes – the new 787 is one – which humidify the air, so it’s not as bad as it would normally be. However, most planes don’t do this and they have very dry air. This will have the effect of pulling moisture out of your body and it is important to keep replenishing that. A glass of water every couple of hours is very important.”

As summer approaches, don’t let back pain stop you from having fun outside. The spine experts at Texas Back Institute are available to help you feel better. Just contact us for an appointment.


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If you would like to hear the complete (and often very funny) interview with Dr. Michael Hisey, click on SpineTalk below.

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