
Revolutionizing Spine Care…Changing Lives

Patient of the Month…Ken McGinty

Ken McGinty…back to ranching!

Ranching is hard and physically demanding work every day, all the time.  So when Ken McGinty’s back pain knocked him out of the saddle, he went to Texas Back Institute for help.

Dr. Michael Duffy diagnosed Ken with lumbar spinal stenosis and, in his case, recommended surgery.

“I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t stand. I had a MRI, came here, scheduled the surgery and got on with it,” said Ken, who tends his ranch in Ranger, Texas.

“Degenerative spinal stenosis occurs in virtually the entire adult population as a result of the natural process of aging,” said Dr. Duffy. “Spinal stenosis a very common indication for spine surgery for adults over the age of 60, and Mr. McGinty was right there in that age group.”

Ken underwent a laminectomy procedure and, two months later, was at Texas Back Institute for his last post-surgical visit with Dr. Duffy who determined it was time to lift the physical restrictions required during the healing process.

Receiving the doctor’s blessing to return to the physical rigors of running a ranch and other activities he enjoys, Ken was a happy man.

“After two months since surgery, I’m back to ranching just working cows, making sure fences are up, driving tractors and routine ranch stuff,” said Ken.  “I’m right back at it, so I can play golf, I can ride horses, I can bail hay and I can work. I’m happy. I can get back to life as normal.”


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