Dr. Rajesh Arakal, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon at Texas Back Institute, talks about telemedicine and the frequently asked question, can/should spine surgeons provide telemedicine?
Telemedicine has grown and evolved since the start of the pandemic. Spine surgeons are able utilize technology for the safety of their patients. Talking to a patient, acquiring the medical history, and looking at electronic copies of diagnostic testing (x-ray, MRI, CT-scan, ect.) with these in hand a spine surgeon can essentially carry out a normal patient visit online. The benefit of telemedicine, allows the surgeons to see patients in a timely manner, while continuing to tailor a treatment plan from the safety of their home. Some patients however may be more critical. In these cases, surgeons can check in, and monitor their condition via telemedicine with our the risk of exposure to the virus.
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